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Feds Fund Research Sending $1.7 to Russia

Published in Blog on June 10, 2024 by robert bonhag

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) granted $1.7 million of American taxpayer money to an organization to study Steller sea lions in Russia. The Steller sea lion is a marine mammal found in Russia and the Northern Pacific.

The organization, North Pacific Consulting, directly provides American tax money to the Russian government by working with a Russian scientist who is employed by the Russian government.

Russia has been accused of meddling in American elections and has been complicit in the killing of thousands of innocent people in Ukraine, yet Washington still wants to send the funding.

Under Federal Law, the study of endangered species like the Steller sea lion might be justified yet wasting $1.7 million of public money to support the Russian government is certainly questionable.


Stay tuned to our Blogs to know more about how your government is frittering away your money. 

Source: Senator James Lankford, The Federal Fumbles Volume-5 2019

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