May's SLC Volunteers of the Month are: Kristian Hollis, Former HVAC Technician, NCOIC, Bossman at USAF Civil Engineering and Felisbela Sarabando, a Navy Veteran.
This couple have been hosting Constitution Day meetings, so other volunteers can meet together to share their research and plan this year's outreach, which is September 17t. Bela cooks for all the volunteers that come, while Kristian works on the multimedia so they can view what they are all doing on the TV.
Kristian has also been working on a powerpoint presentation for Constitution Day. Bela has called numerous people to round them up for meetings.
To top it off, they sing the ol' School House Rock - the Preamble song, with Kristian on guitar!
More pictures coming! In the meantime, if you want to get involved in the Constitution Day this year, email me.
It's time to stop yelling at your TV. Get involved like Kristian and Bela are doing!.