Maryland's State Directors - past and present - appeared on Convention of States National Rumble channel touting Team Maryland's mission to reach, teach and activate citizens in the art of self-governance.
Mike Rilee, State Director, and Steve Patten, Legislative Liaison and former State Director spread the news about our achievements in Maryland during the 2022 Legislative Session. Part of this news includes Steve Patten's transition to the National team to share his talents with other states beyond Maryland.
It took four years of faith and diligence to gain a Senate sponsor in Annapolis for our Convention of States Resolution. Our two student essay contest winners and their testimony to the Maryland Senate were a highlight of this year's effort. A total of 19 Maryland volunteers testified before the Senate Committee.
Citizens who are concerned for the future of our country under an increasingly bloated and corrupt federal government have a constitutional option. We can call a Convention of States to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs. Be a 21st Century Patriot. Join us and Sign the Petition.