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Convention of States!


Lost States Rights With HR 1

Published in Blog on June 23, 2021 by Thomas Ward

HR1 is the most transformational and comprehensive suite of democracy reforms in a generation.

When you visit the website and read about this proposal it sounds rather appealing... to the casual observer. However, when one digs a little deeper, they find that this proposed bill does two things: it legalizes all of the abuses of the 2020 election and it takes away even more states’ rights.

The website starts out: "This sweeping package of pro-democracy and anti-corruption reforms puts power back in the hands of the American people as it protects clean and fair elections through improving access to the ballot box, promoting election integrity, and ensuring election security; ends the dominance of big money in our politics by guaranteeing disclosure of political ads, empowering citizens with a multiple matching system for small donations, and strengthening campaign finance oversight; and ensures public servants work for the public interest by fortifying ethics law and imposing greater ethics enforcement in Washington."

Now how could anyone object to that?

Here’s another good one: "HR1 protects the voting rights of service members. Service members face significant barriers to exercising their right to vote, and HR1 would eliminate such barriers. Many states have absentee voting procedures that are burdensome for service members abroad. HR1 ensures service members and their families can access the ballot box by automatically registering them to vote, ensuring absentee ballots are mailed at least 45 days before a federal election."

When has this administration, or it’s party, ever cared about the military?

I’ll let you read the rest for yourself – for laughs and/or to scare you into action!

Another: "HR1 is widely supported among civil rights and voting rights advocates, government ethics and transparency groups, labor organizations, environmental groups, gun violence prevention groups, women and LGBTQ groups, youth organizations, and progressive organizations." 

Every radical organization that opposes the Convention of States, coincidentally.

Here are some of the points one discovers if they choose to investigate beyond the surface.

  • Commit Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide (Title II, Subtitle C).
  • Expand online voter registration (Title I, Subtitle A, Part 1).
  • Implement automatic voter registration and same day registration across the country (Title I, Subtitle A, Part 2 and 3).
  • Restore federal voting rights to the formally incarcerated (Title I, Subtitle E).
  • Expand early voting opportunities (Title I, Subtitle H).
  • Expand voting by mail opportunities (Title I, Subtitle I).
  • Standardize use of voter-verified paper ballots in federal elections (Title I, Subtitle F).
  • Increase oversight over election system vendors (Title III, Subtitle C).
  • Require the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions (Title III, Subtitle C).
  • Reaffirm Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s harmful Citizens United decision. (Title VI).

How do the following bear on elections?

  • Strengthen Executive branch and Congressional ethics reforms (Title VIII, Title IX) .
  • Require disclosure of presidential tax returns (Title X) – I’d rather see the tax returns of Congress members.
  • Empower the Office of Government Ethics to better serve as a watchdog of the executive branch (Title VIII) .
  • Require a code of ethics for the U.S. Supreme Court (Title VII) – As if Congress knows anything about ethics.

Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution states: “The Times, Places, and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.” (This is yet another reason for a Convention of States, to examine and clarify this clause.)

I lost track. How many states’ rights will be lost if HR.1 does go on to become law? And after the states have been alleviated of their rights and powers, I guess the People will be all that’s left to seize power from.

Here is a brief summary by the Heritage Foundation: (if you need more)

H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is essential to the protection of our liberty and freedom. It would (among other things) implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election; go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place; and interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, secure the fairness and integrity of elections, and participate and speak freely in the political process.

Never in the annals of history has a person, or group, in power decided to give some of their power back to the states (whatever they were called) or the people.

We need to stop these tyrants. We need a Convention of States, now!

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