Shared with permission of Lisa Murtha, Freelance Writer.
Interview with Diana Telles, State Media Liaison, COS Action, Ohio.
By Lisa Murtha, Award Winning Freelance Writer
Late last year, I wrote a piece for the Ohio Press Network that began like this:
No matter the political party you ascribe to, it’s tough right now to have faith in the U.S. government. Our national debt is growing uncontrollably by the day, and we haven’t had a balanced budget in decades. Unelected bureaucrats have more power over U.S. citizens now than most elected officials ever did, and nearly life-long tenures in the U.S. House and Senate have corrupted the government and lined the pockets of career politicians.
Unfortunately, elected officials of both parties have ignored these growing problems for decades, probably because the solutions will likely involve major pain to either their constituents or themselves. Soon, though, the proverbial can will have been kicked as far as it can go; simply hoping the nation’s money and leadership problems resolve themselves isn’t a viable solution.
The piece involved some pretty detailed research on a fascinating concept called a Convention of States - something 19 states have already signed on to do. I’d read articles about it in other media outlets and was curious to know more… which, truth be told, is how a lot of my stories for Ohio Press Network happen. A major perk of being a journalist is being paid to learn and in turn share it with others.
Either way, enter Diana Telles, whose passion for the cause and knowledge immediately captured my attention. Lucky for me, she happens to live not so far away, so when this podcast was but a twinkle in my eye, I had already asked her to be among the first guests. Gratefully, she accepted my invite and even sat through not one but nearly two full recordings of this podcast, as my technical skills are still somewhat lacking…
Without further adieu, an hour-long interview with Diana that I hope helps explain this uniquely American concept, why she and others are so passionate about it and how many people believe it could potentially help fix a lot of the problems happening in the U.S. Federal government today.
Listen to podcast here:
Shared with permission of Lisa Murtha, Freelance Writer.
Convention of States website:
The Book Diana Mentions:
The Liberty Amendments, by Mark Levin
Intro & Outro music:
Horizon, by Rjght