Meeting of COS supporters from WV Legislative Districts 54, 56 & 57 met for their monthly meeting in Keyser on Monday Oct. 18. There were 18 members in attendance.
District Captain Norm Launi opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. He announced to the group that Tracy Friend has volunteered to be our new State Director, and the group all pledged to help her in any way to meet our goal.
Norm reported on how well the team did at the Apple Harvest Festival, and thanked all who helped man the booth.
Fred Kleibacker, pending District Captain for District 57, gave a presentation on dangers of Communism.
Norm then discussed our plans for emailing and writing to our WV representatives every month until the 2022 Legislative session informing them about the need to get the Resolution for calling a Convention of States passed next year in WV.
Team sets future meetings to be held at 7 PM on the third Monday of every month, at the Keyser American Legion. BRING A FRIEND.
Meeting concluded with Norm telling the story about Samuel Whitteworth, a Revolutionary War Patriot.