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It was never about COVID, always about freedom. We need COS

Published in Blog on July 13, 2022 by Ruth Hoskins

From the beginning of the pandemic.....

March 2020, when fear set in. We were facing a pandemic. We had no idea what we were dealing with. We were told – and we believed – that it was all about COVID, the origins of which have never been agreed upon.

However, any thinking person knows it started in a lab in Wuhan, China funded by Anthony Fauci. Now we have proof of the origins of Covid-19. Two years ago we had none. We trusted Dr. Fauci, a man in government office for over 50 years!

Frightened and uncertain, people accepted what the federal government and the media told them at the start of the pandemic. The depth of corruption in the federal government had yet to be revealed. It is still unraveling, hidden from the public by a corrupt mainstream media.

The Deep State is very deep, sick, and corrupt beyond anyone's imagination. It does not operate in your best interests, but its own. Americans believed what we were told. Medicines that treat COVID were taken off the market, in fact, they are still forbidden. We masked up, sanitized our hands, our homes, our children, even our mail. In TV commercials everyone was masked up. There were long lines as people waited in line for the jab. The jab was going to be the cure-all.


Did you know that Nazi Germany started on a pandemic? 

"The influenza pandemic that gripped the globe a century ago helped the Nazi Party rise to power in Germany, a new study says."

There are over a million vaccine related injuries in the world. Yet people continue to stand in line and to date, over 300,000 babies have received the jab. For what purpose? To make more money for Big Pharma, a fourth branch of government.

We now have documented proof that the mRNA vaccine is ineffective. That a strong immune system can fight disease and if given the proper medications and nutrition, it can support healthy immune function. But like trying to have a discussion about voting integrity, talk about the jab is prohibited. 

Your freedoms are eroding away. More censorship. It was never about COVID but about freedom and the right to make our own decisions.

The fight for our lives continues on. Now we know without a doubt that we are in a war with our own government for freedom of speech, the press, religious freedom, and the right to bear arms, all of which the Biden administration censors daily. 

If the United States government had its way, the country would still be shut down for much longer than two years. But get ready. In Biden's own words, "another pandemic is coming in the fall." Close to midterm elections where mail-in ballots will then be the norm.

We need a Convention of States so that "We the People" can make our own decisions about what we want to put into our bodies and how long elected officials should remain in office. Not for 50-plus years! An Article V convention is a must. Without it, we no longer have a Republic but a totalitarian government like China, Iran or Russia.

An Article V Convention is about proposing term limits, fiscal responsibility and government overreach.

Step up to volunteer before it is too late. 

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