Your tax dollars are really going toward commendable ambitions in the federal government, like studying the cause of poor sleep and its racist origins.
That's no joke.
The National Institutes of Health decided to fund a medical research grant to find evidence that racism is to blame for poor sleep in minority communities.
The study is based on the hypothesis that poor sleep disparities are “thought to be explained partially by experiences of interpersonal racial discrimination.” More specifically, the study puts an emphasis on racial disparities in police use of deadly force.
Dr. Alexander Tsai at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is behind the research and has received funding annually for three years.
In 2020, the NIH rewarded him with $460,656 for this profound research. In 2021, he received $439,970. This year, Tsai received $273,625.
That's a grand total of $1.17 million.
The NIH project summary states:
"This application focuses on police use of deadly force on unarmed black Americans as a cardinal manifestation of structural racism. The central hypothesis is that police use of deadly force on unarmed black Americans leads to unhealthy sleep among other black Americans in the general U.S. population."
Medical research on the basis of structural racism is a quickly growing field, in terms of both government funding. The Center Square reports that critics say the research is based on false assumptions and doesn't account for other factors.
"It assumes that there is structural racism," said the Heritage Foundation's CRT expert Mike Gonzalez. "It assumes that the disparities are caused by structural racism and not a panoply of other reasons. There could be many, many hundreds of reasons why these disparities exist. That is the main problem with critical race theory."
Tsai admitted that his research doesn't address lifestyle choices that could be the cause of poor sleep, adding that lifestyle choices could also be a result of racism.
This is the approach of a woke federal government. View everything through the lens of white guilt and racism, even if it's something as desperate looking as sleep.
The nearly $1.2 million directed toward this seemingly long-term research could be going to black communities that have been suffering as a result of less law enforcement and higher crime rate in inner cities.
When you have endless money, you have to try to spend it somehow. It is evident the NIH has too much money.
Wasteful pet projects need to come to an end in a government with over $30 trillion in debt – paying $475 billion yearly in interest payments.
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