As we were saying before being cut off in Des Moines last week...
The scheduled February 19 vote by the Iowa House State Government Committee regarding the COS resolution to make application to Congress for a limited-purpose Article V convention -- House Joint Resolution 6 -- was postponed.
However, the committee is scheduled yet again to take up HJR 6 on February 26, at 10:00 a.m. ET/9:00 a.m. CT. You can watch the vote by clicking below:
As was the case last week, this meeting of the committee is a working meeting, and no testimony about HJR 6 will be heard. The resolution was advanced to the full committee following the February 18 subcommittee meeting during which the resolution was approved by a 2-1 margin.
Be sure to watch this important vote as Iowa takes another important step toward calling for an Article V convention that will discuss and propose amendments to the Constitution that will permanently put the federal government back in its proper place.