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Idaho Insurance: Rates Up, Benefits Down

Published in Blog on November 28, 2017 by Kyle Key

Like the dreaded April 15th tax deadline, many will receive a bit of sticker-shock as they see the newly released premium prices and the dismal benefits associated with the hike in prices.

As the year comes to a close, many people will be getting notifications of the upcoming open enrollment period for health insurance. Like the dreaded April 15th tax deadline, many will receive a bit of sticker-shock as they see the newly released premium prices and the dismal benefits associated with the hike in prices. According to the Idaho Department of Insurance, rates for private health insurance plans will see an average increase of 27% overall

Affordable Care Act?

Why, you might ask, are we seeing a significant increase this coming year? One insurer explains, “The claims experience and health risk for the ACA risk pool continues to be higher than projected.”

Translation? The Affordable Care Act (A.K.A Obamacare) turns out to not be so affordable. Since insurance has become a requirement, companies are having a tough time keeping up with the sheer volume of claims being submitted while trying to stay positive on their balance sheets.

One major insurer reported a net loss of $28 million dollars in 2016 from a high volume of submitted claims.

Federal Overreach

Idaho is now starting to feel the pain of an out-of-control government that is attempting to legislate our lives from 2,000 miles away. Like an untreated wound, the pain will only get worse unless treated.

Weak attempts at a repeal of Obamacare have only resulted in gridlock, which do little to slow the ubiquitous leviathan known as the federal government. Politicians seek to apply a bandage where a salve is needed to draw out the infection of corruption.

The Fix

The much-needed salve comes from We the People through an Article V Convention of States. The Convention can be used to propose amendments limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, giving Idahoans more freedom to make their own healthcare choices.

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