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Convention of States!


Convention of States Idaho Town Hall Event with Rick Santorum

Published in Blog on January 07, 2023 by John Green

America is in crisis. 

Our 31 trillion dollars in national debt threatens the future viability of America and will enslave our children to interest payments.

Deep-state bureaucrats are attacking our civil liberties. They’ve used social media to censor our speech, and pandemic protocols to shutter our businesses and restrict our movement.

“Equal justice under the law” has become a broken promise. Federal law enforcement is targeting small government opposition, while criminals are left to prey on the innocent. Judges function as partisans rather than the unbiased arbiters they are meant to be.

Yet politicians seem indifferent to the concerns of voters.

Have you had enough? Do you want to return government to is proper role – serving us? You can help make it happen and it’s easier than you may think – if we work together. A grassroots movement of citizens is working to alter the way our federal government operates – using tools provided by Article V of the Constitution.

Come and meet a group of like-minded patriots for an evening with former Senator Rick Santorum. He will be joined by Convention of States President Mark Meckler and KIDO talk show host and event emcee, Kevin Miller. They will explain what the Convention of States movement is, and how they and other concerned citizens are working to return our federal government to its proper role. 

The event will be held at 7:00 pm on February 2, 2023 at 601 West Grove Street*, Boise, ID 83702 on the Basque Block.

The event is free. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Seating is limited, so please RSVP to reserve a spot

* The Basque Center is politically neutral & is not endorsing this event.

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