Astronauts flying to the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s were understandably faced with things that could go very wrong in this new pioneering venture into the unknown.
The Control Center for the space program was in Houston, Texas. It was there where the words from space would be heard in times of trouble: “Houston, we have a problem!”
Well, clearly in today’s world, I can say, “America, we have a problem.”
We have many new problems. We have domestic terrorists, foreign terrorists, failing public education, and moral relativism attacking nearly three centuries of traditional American values.
Long ago and far away the American experience was formed by pioneers facing the unknown in a new world, and there was order. The Pilgrims had a firm foundation that has survived the test of time.
That foundation was rooted in a reverence explained in the Declaration of Independence. There are four references to God in the Declaration: The "laws of nature and of nature's God" entitle the United States to independence. Men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." Congress appeals "to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."
Yep, there was a higher power recognized then, because they knew mankind is under a fallen condition. Unfortunately, man slipped into a prideful state where he believes he knows more than God.
Data shows a rapidly declining number of Americans who claim to be Christian. Christianity is the most adhered to religion in the United States with 65% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2019, down from 75% in 2015.
It is a slippery slope when men drift from humility to prideful narcissism. No matter the data, the United States is as Christian as Turkey is Muslim.
So, what difference--at this point--does that make? For 244 years we have operated under the same constitution, while every other nation on earth has had a new guiding document every few years, on average.
Our constitution’s governing principles are based on humble beginnings. We learned from history and formed a more perfect union.
But education has failed us. It has failed our children.
I was born at the beginning of World War II, and my generation put the fox in charge of guarding the hen house. In so doing we assumed our kids were being taught what we had been taught, and that was a very bad assumption.
After all, we had grown up in a booming economy with untold opportunity. While we were enjoying great abundance and new gadgets and toys, the enemy within had ideas and designs to fundamentally change our government and thus our way of life.
To take over, the ruling elite had to demonize our way of life. They had to change our perception of America. No longer could we believe in our exceptionalism, our Founders, or our faith. That perception would have to be replaced by another form of government that would truly make us great.
Professors in our institutions of higher learning have bad-mouthed America, telling our kids that capitalism is nothing more than greed, faith is folly, and what we need are community organizers and more laws to make life better.
They claim we need to grow the government and empower it to solve all our problems. We the People must relinquish personal control. It is the collective that matters, and we are a democracy. That is a lie, of course. Professors of history and government know America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
We in America have become apathetic, and now we're on a fast track to bondage yet again. The cycle of history in America is following the predictable pattern over time.President Ronald Reagan said that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.”
The Founders broke the ties and bonds of tyranny in the person of King George III of England. It was a monarchy.
Today the battle we face is the need to resist the tyranny of the few again, but now it comes in the form of an entrenched political leadership. The intention was that they would be public servants and representatives of the people--not dictators.
Conservative thought reminds us that we must return to our basic constitutional principles and guidelines. We have watched the world in turmoil as they all suffer from socialism, monarchy, aristocracies, communism, democracies, and anarchy.
All the while American capitalism reigns supreme, despite what our system of education would propose.
Getting back to the roots that have differentiated us from all other forms of government for three centuries means supporting and defending the U.S. Constitution. Article V of the Constitution provides a remedy when and if the country loses its way. It provides for a Convention of States to get back on track.
The platform of the proposed convention is like a three-legged stool. It proposes to patch a sinking boat, rather than allowing it to be sunk under the weight of governments akin to those tried by nearly every country on the planet.
Convention of States sees a simple patch job as the better solution. Its platform:
- Term limits for Congress
- Limits on federal overreach
- Fiscal restraints
The proposal is to affect change in a peaceful, thoughtful, and constitutionally lawful manner. All citizens should consider joining the people in 15 states who have already passed resolutions in favor of a convention.
Should we keep the USS America from sinking beneath the waves and winds of radical change?