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House to vote on balanced budget amendment

Published in Uncategorized on April 09, 2018 by Article V Patriot

The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on an amendment to the Constitution that would force the feds to balance the budget.

Sounds great, right?

Sort of.

According to The Hill, the amendment doesn't look like it's going to see the light of day:

The measure has virtually no chance of becoming law as it would need Democratic support in the Senate and ratification from the majority of states. While conservative hard-liners largely support the proposal, critics argue adding a constitutional amendment could weaken economic activity and exacerbate recessions by limiting the government's ability to spend money.

It also isn't clear that the amendment would actually fix the problem. highlighted the assessment of Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie:

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) tweeted his assessment on Friday, calling the amendment “WEAK!”

He compared the quantity of House members who cast their votes for the massive omnibus spending bill last month and the quantity of members required to approve spending under the constitutional amendment:

“Proposed Const. balanced budget amdt requires 60% (261) of whole House (435) for deficit spending. Yet 60.5% (256) of House members present (423) voted for Omnibus! Anyone think this amdt will prevent deficits? WEAK!”

Fortunately, Congress isn't the only governing body that can propose constitutional amendments. 

Article V of the Constitution empowers the states to propose amendments at a Convention of States, and the COS Project is the only grassroots-led Article V movement in the nation with a solution as big as the problem in D.C.

Our resolution allows state delegations to propose amendments that not only force Congress to balance the budget, but also cap spending and taxing, so the feds won't just raise taxes to cover the deficit.

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