Dear Senators Ted Cruz, John Kennedy and Rand Paul,
For years we have analyzed recordings of your attempts to hold unelected bureaucratic officials to account for their unconstitutional actions.
If the question you asked was regarding something beyond one year ago, the official typically claimed, “Senator, I cannot recall.”
If the question was about something more recent, he chimed, “I cannot speak to that issue since it is under litigation/investigation.”
We are so thankful to you for doing your darnedest to hold unelected officials accountable to the Senate who authorized the creation of these bureaucracies. It seems the greatest effect of such hearings was to frustrate and irritate you and the American people. As disappointed as you may feel, imagine how “We the People” feel!
The late Senator Tom Colburn, and Senators Rick Santorum and Jim DeMint experienced similar frustrations during their tenures in Washington, D.C. In time, they abandoned their notions of fixing Washington, D.C. from within the beltway, and chose to support the Citizens for Self-governance Article V Convention of States effort to impose amendments that would:
- Set term limits on Federal officials,
- Impose fiscal restraints - including a balanced budget amendment with spending limits,
- Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government thus returning power back to the states and to the people.
For the most part, the federal agencies you seek to reign into the control of Congress were created by Congress. These agencies exercise control over domains that the Constitution had never granted to the federal government in the first place.
Congress hired unelected staff to devise the administrative laws by which We the People must abide. Now those agencies seem to reside beyond the reach of even Congress.
We the People, working through our state legislators will soon propose structural changes by way of amendments to our Constitution that are necessary to promote federalism and control over those unelected officials.
The effect of these amendments will endure for generations, independent of presidential administration, staff member, or Congress. Like the previously mentioned Senators who support the use of Article V you, too, will eventually join us in support of our powerful grassroots Convention of States effort.
But we must ask: why not now?
Learn more about the Article V and the constitutional tool we have for reining in the federal government: