Team Hawaii reached the mid-point of its weekly Capitol Visit Surge Campaign on Wednesday, February 7 when they again met at noon in the State Capitol to distribute Convention of States local and national handouts to state legislators.
The Campaign's third week handouts included the ‘legislator edition’ of the COS Pocket Guide, plus a new article, written locally, listing 10 reasons Hawaii should pass the COS resolution. That flyer also showed the history of all the COS resolutions filed in Hawaii since 2016.
Aloha State legislators were informed by a locally produced article illustrating examples of federal overreach in Hawaii, along with copies of the COS Pocket Guide.
Hawaii’s team, divided into 5 smaller groups, visited all 76 legislative offices and in some cases were lucky enough to interact with elected officials!
Join the Hawaii Team every Wednesday, noon, at the State Capitol, 415 S Beretania St, Honolulu, to visit your legislators office and help promote our COS Resolution.
Click HERE to volunteer for the COSHI team and join the only movement big enough today to save America!