In a growing backlash to drag queen story hour, radical gender ideology in the classroom, and other forms of LGBTQ+ indoctrination targeted at kids, parents across the nation are now taking their children to family-friendly book readings that promote Christian and conservative values in a growing, counter-cultural trend.
Often hosted by popular Christian actor, author, and Convention of States endorser Kirk Cameron, who published a kids’ book with BRAVE Books earlier this year, these events commonly take place in libraries, much like drag queen story hours. However, rather than expose young minds to explicit sexual content, these book readings celebrate “pro-God, pro-America stories.”
"At BRAVE Books, we know how important it is to instill virtuous principles in our children at a young age,” said CEO Trent Talbot, whose organization publishes kids’ books authored by popular conservative commentators. “We can't let the next generation be exposed to inappropriate materials in their classrooms and at libraries, so [we] have decided to push back. We want this next generation to grow up with wholesome materials that parents can trust and that kids love.”
SEE ALSO: Kirk Cameron releases new book on humility, countering pride movement
Last week, Talbot and his team hosted one of their book reading events in Texas, where they were joined by Texas Rep. Steve Toth and Kirk Cameron, who attended virtually.
“Values should be established and nurtured by parents and not librarians,” said Rep. Toth, who read Kevin Sorbo's "The Test of Lionhood," a book about the true meaning of masculinity.
Talbot read a copy of BRAVE's “The Island of Free Ice Cream,” which combats popular myths about socialism. Like all BRAVE books, these titles present valuable moral lessons and advocate for traditional values in stories that are fun and engaging for kids.
“We hope that Christian conservatives see what we are doing and wake up to the reality that if we don’t fight for these institutions like our libraries and public education, they will be lost in short order,” Talbot explained, “and once they are gone, they will be near impossible to win back.”
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As a Convention of States endorser, Kirk Cameron understands that calling an Article V convention is an important step toward returning power to parents, letting them decide how to raise their kids.
“After spending the time to look into the Convention of States project, I have become an ardent supporter,” he said, urging his fans to “join me in this movement to return the nation to our biblical and constitutional roots.”
To stand alongside Kirk in support of Convention of States, sign the petition below. To learn more about conservative book reading events in your area, visit
GOOD NEWS: Families celebrate traditional values at library story hours in growing trend across America
Published in Blog on September 28, 2023 by Jakob Fay