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Convention of States!


Get to Know Your Representative

Published in Blog on February 26, 2023 by Wesley A Whittaker

While Convention of States (COS) is not a partisan political organization, we are engaged in an effort to effect a political change. Namely, a return to the apolitical freedoms that the Founders gave us. 

Political parties are good tools for organizing people who share a vision of what form of governance is most appropriate for the general welfare of the American people. For some, that Vision is what the government can do for the People. For others, it is what the People can do for themselves. Either way, we use a representative form of government to accomplish what is best for all of us. 

It is important that we not only vote to elect our Representative, but that we also get to know our Representative. How else can we expect him or her to know what we want them to do and what we need?


Do you know who your Representative is? It is easy to find out by going to the Michigan House of Representatives website. On the right side of the Home Screen, there is a form where you can enter your street address, city, and zip code. Mine is Rep. Mike Mueller (Republican) District-72. If I press on the button for “More Information,” I am taken to Mike’s page where I can learn what he is doing, the current legislation that he is working on, his contact information. I press the “About” button and I am taken to Mike’s personal page where I can learn about the makeup of the 72nd district, what Michigan House Committees Mike serves on, his educational and professional background, and even some personal biographical information.

Your goal should be to build a relationship with your Representative that is objectively supportive and emotionally honest. Remember that this person put their personal life in the spotlight in order to serve your community. They can only do that effectively if they know what their constituents want and need. Be a resource for them.

Find out WHY your Representative ran for office and WHAT they hope to accomplish. Let them know whether or not you support their agenda and your reasons. Don’t assume that they know every facet of the issue at hand. You may bring a fresh perspective that either reinforces their position or causes them to reconsider. If you oppose their position on an issue, let them know why by giving them the objective information that is the basis for your position. They may not have been given that data.

Above all else, remember that Convention of States is politically neutral. We have to be because the reality is that we cannot pass the Resolution in this State without votes on both sides of the aisle. We are on a mission to save this nation and restore the freedoms that our Founders gave us. Keep your emotions neutral, stick to the facts, and be a resource. They will appreciate you for it.

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