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Get 'Em While They’re Young, Or Satan Will

Published in Blog on April 05, 2022 by Pastor Gary Everest

Quick Read:

  • Why not take the black-pill, there’s nothing we can do, right?
  • I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to give up yet.
  • Children are the future of our Republic.
  • How we reach our children for God and Country.

Recently, I was asked, “Why do you believe calling a Convention of States is critical in today’s political climate?”

I responded, “Critical? Really? Hmm, I'm fairly certain it’s beyond critical and we’re just waiting to hear the doctor yell, ‘Clear!’"

Hey Buddy, Can You Spare a White-Pill?

When I answered that question, I had been completely black-pilled. These words from Solomon came to mind almost daily.

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes 1:2 (NIV)

Fortunately, my white-pill moment was forthcoming. I had found Convention of States Action (COSA) and their efforts to call an Article V Convention of States (COS). Finally, some sanity.

The premise of this COS is to propose U.S. Constitutional Amendments for 38 States to ratify. The purpose of these Amendments would deal with:

  • Balancing the Federal budget
  • Setting Federal term limits
  • Limiting the power of the Federal government

The COS patriots have given me a heaping helping of much needed hope in this time of seeming despair.

Let’s Go Brandon!

“Oh, come on man, it’s not my fault! It’s Putin,” Joe said. I just saw him say it on CNN, “It’s not his fault!” Who’s he kidding?

Whatever the case, fast-forward a few weeks and the political rot in the D.C. swamp has grown even more stinky. I fear that the next shoe to drop will send America into a near-death-experience. Fatal? I pray not, but lately I’m not at all encouraged.

Overall, trying to affect a meaningful national correction is a daunting task. Especially when all the forces of the Progressive Left and Satan are aligned against us.

We’re attacked from all sides by the MSM, and every form of government including our government schools, seek to destroy our children. Hollywood sycophants attack us, the trained socialist in Big Tech censor us, tons of woke corporations lecture us, and even many of our precious churches are set against us.

Speaking of Children

So, upon reflection of our situation, it comes to mind the battle for the American soul starts in pre-k or kindergarten. That’s the time to start our counter-offensive, that’s the place to take a stand and to build an unstoppable force of young patriots, and that’s the task God has called us to.

On the other hand, I’ve done my part, I’ve run the race. I’m retired and 62-years old.

As a parent, I homeschooled my six daughters.

As a concerned citizen, I worked with three government schools to teach a 16-week after-school club, based upon a Biblically modified version of “Character First.” I also taught citizenship to immigrants using only our Founder’s words, our founding documents, and the Bible.

As a pastor, I taught our blood purchased freedoms from the pulpit and in small groups. I developed and taught “Freedom’s Price” prep lessons to Christian homeschool parents to prepare them to teach their children the cost and joys of freedom.   

Yeah, I’ve done all that, but am I really done? No, not yet. Do you hear me, Lord? I’m not done yet.

I’m not done because I love our children and our government schools are destroying our children, and I’m afraid we’ve given them explicit permission to do so, and we even pay them to do it.

It’s the CRT bull, it’s the trans nonsense, the gender identity crap, the lies of intersectionality, and the dangers of restorative justice.

It’s the secret abortions, the school nurse distributed birth control, the puberty blockers given without parental permission, Planned Parenthood sex-ed for our 5-year-old babies, and the anti-racist vituperation being forced upon our children by our government schoolteachers and administrators.

Okay, How Do We Fix It?

In that spirit, I have some thoughts concerning the re-capturing of the hearts and minds of our children I’d like for you to prayerfully consider.

Let’s start with the parents, as they are the most influential agents of change in their children’s lives. I believe there is a need for Convention of States Action to provide parents with material suitable for molding the minds of their children, forming them into Originalists in the image of our Founders.

This could be in the form of a homeschool course on Article V COS, how our Founders felt about Article V from the Federalist Papers, the faith of our Founders in their own words, the history of the different COS movements and how the student might get involved with COSA.

We might be able to use some of Hillsdale’s or PragerU’s material to get a jump start on this.

Next, COSA might consider teaming with conservative organizations for young people like YAF, TAR or YRNF to promote a COS and COSA. These groups already have a vast reach and street cred.

Another idea might be to develop a young person’s small group course that could be taught in local churches. This may seem like an inappropriate topic for church, but after all, I’ve seen churches using small group materials based upon The Andy Griffith Show.

Is the U.S. Constitution and the faith of our Founders really such a stretch for church?

This material would need to be Bible based, Romans 13 would be a starting point, but the entire Scripture is a book on leadership. One could spend a lifetime studying the examples of the leaders in the Bible that God has called.

We also might form another version of COSA named something like Convention of States Youth (COSY). Who knows where that might lead? Although, I’ll bet that it could become a powerful force for liberty and freedom.

Imagine teens leading teens in this desperate fight for our Country, given that COS is the only true alternative to the humanist chaos that rules our government.

What Are We Waiting For?

I understand that COSA is mainly concerned with a COS, but I think we’d be missing a wonderful God given opportunity to reclaim our children for God, and to claim a COS victory for our progeny’s future.

I don’t want to be an alarmist, but the Southern Baptist Convention now claims four out of five children abandon God right out of high school. That’s a very scary 80% that turn to Satan!

Whose fault is that? There’s plenty of blame to go around.

Do you actually believe that children, 12-years indoctrinated with the deception that the Federal government is the source and grantor of all our freedom, can be expected to support a COS and the Amendments that arise from it?

Not very likely.

I say, that if we can capture our children early, then when it comes time for the ratification of any Amendments coming out of a COS, they will without a doubt support such.

Sure, I know I come off like a Baptist preacher, I get it. However, our Founder’s had their faith in God, read their Bibles, they prayed fervently, and often attended church in the Capitol building.

BTW- On December 4, 1800, Congress approved the use of the Capitol building as a church building1. Take that Nancy and Chuck!

So, I say if it was good enough for our Founders, it’s good enough for our children.

Agree or disagree with me, my email address is for more discussion, if you so desire. I would love to hear your thoughts on ending this chaos.

Please visit to sign the petition and learn how to volunteer your skill set to save our U.S. Constitution for ourselves and our posterity.


[1] Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1853), p. 797, Sixth Congress, December 4, 1800.

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