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Convention of States!


George Moorman - Servant Leader Awarded Patriot Pin

Published in Blog on July 18, 2024 by Sarah Santana

The fight to restore our country isn't just fought in legislator offices or on stages.

It's fought by ordinary people talking to other ordinary people, by “We the People” standing up and doing something, and by individuals like George Moorman who serve quietly in the background so that the rest of us can do what we do. 

George joined the COS Michigan volunteer team in 2021. He served for a year as a District Captain in Holland, Michigan before his desire to serve more people led him to accept the volunteer role of State Information Analyst (SIA) for the state of Michigan.

As an SIA, George has built a team, provided tech support to the entire state, cleaned up data, and spent countless hours doing what must be done to keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes. 

George Moorman truly exemplifies what it means to be a servant leader. His service may not be flashy, but the entire team would feel the effects without it.

It has been my honor to serve with George and it is my privilege to award him with the Convention of States Patriot Pin.

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