From where I sit…
I am sitting in my office on this busy day thinking about our amazing Ohio grassroots army. Every day I can see the efforts individuals put forth and read the COS Action reports. I’m thinking of some patriots who have persisted as District Captains for eight years as well as others who are newer, but all steadily doing the work of building up a self-sustaining grassroots army of patriotic volunteers!
I see humble leaders who care not for recognition, but quietly run the race set before them. Every COS volunteer I have ever met only wished that he or she had more time and opportunity to perform their acts of service to preserve our republic.
Then my mind wanders to the heroes of our nation’s history and to their noble sacrifices. Little by little their sacrifices crescendoed to meet the new nation's needs of the moment.
In the same way, our sacrifices today will grow to meet the challenges of our day. Little by little, our nation will demand more work and action to preserve it, and little by little we will answer the call of duty out of our hearts filled with hope.
When our opponents claim that there are no Washingtons, Masons, Madisons, Jeffersons, or Hamiltons today. I recoil with disgust. For they have clearly never met YOU!
If you are not already part of the COS grassroots army, join us in the effort to rein in the Federal Government by visiting to sign our petition and become a volunteer.