"Florida ends 2020 strong with 43 District Captain teams. We are seeing a huge swell of new volunteers, perhaps because of the presidential election results. I see a bright 2021 coming," said Nancy Suits, State Communications Coordinator for Convention of States Florida.
This year, the COS Florida communications team created a web page. When you get a chance, open www.conventionofstates.com/Florida and take a look. And don't forget to check out our YouTube Channel!
Convention of States Report for 2020
To get a quick start we are asking all volunteers and roles to go in and access Convention of States University. This is an amazing tool for everyone. Speak to the other team members and join webinars to reach, teach, and activate.
Brenda Karlin, Florida's Grassroots Coordinator says, "In 2021 the Florida team is going viral for liberty, spreading our message quickly and widely. Take a moment to view this video to grasp the importance and urgency to go viral."
We aim to grow a grassroots army large enough to not only call the first ever convention of states but to also drive the political and cultural narrative across all 50 states. We want to see self-governance and liberty flourish in our nation and we believe the only way this will happen is if good people like you get involved in the political and cultural battle.
Florida has many leaders with amazing talent. State Information Analyst Lee Hydechuk helped us create a calendar of events and webinars. With a computer and telephone, the calendar lists the many webinars and weekly training on the tools and tips for you to be an engaged citizen.
Florida Team Strategy "From Here to There": Reach, Teach and Activate! Based on Servant Leadership by David Kuhnert
- Our “THERE” is to Build an Engaged Army of Self-Governing Grassroots Activists. One goal of this activism is holding a Convention of States according to Article V of the US Constitution. Another goal is to share (evangelize if you will) and encourage understanding of the responsibilities of self-governance, and that the best government is limited in jurisdiction and closest to the people (local and state).
Our” PATH” to THERE is the following:
Communicate vision and strategy from the State Strategy Meeting. In 2020 this was held September 26 and is ongoing annually: REACH.
- Provide tools, activities, and opportunities to our Florida team. We encourage self-governance and being proactive through the use of our new
calendar of events. This is ongoing daily and is measured weekly and monthly: TEACH.
- Provide opportunities for our team to demonstrate engagement, grassroots activism, and self governance, and to recognize/reward accomplishment. This is ongoing daily and is measured weekly and monthly: ACTIVATE.
As we pursue our path, we will ACT, LEARN, and ADJUST our “HERE,” which is where we are by looking at results from our efforts.
Become one of the 120 District Captains we need in Florida.
Join the team today.