Whether it's a dependence on artificial substances, foods, devices, or certain activities to relieve emotional strains in one's life, addictions bring a sense of instant gratification that prevent a cycle of natural coping.
When we think of serious addictions, we tend to think of substances like opioids, nicotine, cocaine, and crystal meth. While those are severe and harmful addictions that affect millions, there are other common addictions today that are widespread among Americans who have never partaken in drugs or smoking.
When an individual relies on anything too much, it takes away personal freedom and the ability to live independently. In today's age, it's easier than ever to isolate, which is likely a huge trigger behind some of these addictions.
As noted by NewsTarget, here are some of today's biggest addictions in no particular order:
1. Sugar – Most people are addicted to sugar because it's put into essentially all of our foods in excess amounts. About 250 million Americans overindulge in sugar on a daily basis, and its effects on the body are extensive.
American adults consume on average 77 grams of sugar per day, which is three times the recommended daily amount for women. For children, the daily intake rises to 81 grams. To find out if you're addicted, simply try to stop eating desserts and limit your sugar intake. Like a drug, the side effects of coming off of sugar are not painless.
2. Artificial Sweeteners – Similar to sugar, artificial sweeteners are a huge part of the foods we eat and make our bodies crave more. However, choosing "sugar-free" diet foods and drinks in an attempt to limit their sugar intake is not a better alternative. In fact, it could actually be more harmful than consuming real sugar.
As discovered by researchers, artificial sweeteners may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Studies suggest that sweeteners "should not be considered a healthy and safe alternative to sugar."
3. Video Games – Over 200 million adult Americans play video games. In 2019, the WHO recognized "Gaming Disorder" as an official mental health condition. Research estimates between 1.7% and 10% of the U.S. population suffer from game addiction, a sad form of control by video game makers.
4. Alcohol – A study finds that one in every eight American adults – 12.8% – is an alcoholic, and alcoholism has been on a steady rise. It's the most common drug of abuse among addiction treatment programs. Men are three times as likely to have problems with excessive alcohol drinking than women.
5. Pornography – In the U.S., internet porn pulls in about $2.84 billion per year, and the worldwide industry is worth nearly $5 billion. It's been the fastest-growing addiction in recent years and has been compared to crack cocaine.
SEE ALSO: ‘This is about our children’; Parents STAND UP to fight porn in schools
Self-control is everything to a free and prospering individual.
When someone is overly reliant on any one thing, it makes them a slave. Slaves aren't free but rather captive to something, whether that's a master, a substance, or an activity. Without the ability to control one's actions and decisions, an individual is not truly free.
"Self-governance means that you do what is right because it is right and not out of fear of consequence or reprisal. It is limiting your own freedom so others don't have to," writes David Kuhnert in the book "Servant Leadership."
We must make self-discipline, personal responsibility, and willpower key in our own lives so that healthy communities of self-governance and freedom prevail.
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