After a brief hiatus, Ken Quinn and Ken Clark are back and ready to go!
They cover all the current news in the Article V movement and break down some of the misinformation being promulgated by anti-Article V groups.
Click here or the image below to listen on Lanterns Radio.
Hosts and Convention of States Regional Directors, Ken Clark and Ken Quinn, began the podcast as a way to serve the millions of activists around the country seeking more content and information related to educating citizens and legislators in the states, and a general public not familiar with this hidden tool for reining in the federal government.
“The mainstream media just don’t get it,” said host Ken Clark, “Millions of activists are interested in focused content on the Convention of States and Article V—and we intend to give them a five-course meal.”
"The grassroots know that Washington D.C. will never limit its own power,” stated Ken Quinn. “Our goal is to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of Americans by educating them on our founding principles and Article V, which is the tool the Framers gave us to restore our Constitution and our liberties.”
Fires of Liberty podcasts are just one-hour, easily digestible audio episodes designed to add a bit of fire to one facet of the Constitution. In a dynamic and new media environment, grassroots activists seek news and information in alternative programming and the Convention of States Project intends to capture them by making the Constitution come alive in Fires of Liberty.