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Finding Your Voice

Published in Blog on June 19, 2022 by Deborah Efurd

After the 2020 election, I searched hard for a way to make a difference to save America from the decline I had seen in my lifetime. Elections weren’t working. Then I discovered Convention of States and signed on as a volunteer.

Being a student of history, I often compare the state of the U.S to the horrors of Germany before and during World War II. It was hard for me to fathom how an entire nation (Germany) could turn a blind eye to the holocaust being perpetrated right under their eyes (and ears). Then I remembered a fascinating story.

A young boy during World War II lived in Nazi-controlled Germany. He attended church regularly with his family, which was located next to railroad tracks. Trains regularly passed the church during church services.

The trains were long strings of cattle cars crammed with terrified Jews destined for work/concentration camps, and eventual death. There was no food, no provisions for personal hygiene, no considerations for special needs. In the boiling heat of summer, the cramped cattle cars were like ovens. Stench from accumulating body waste was suffocating.

A train would often stop outside the church. With no air conditioning, the windows were opened. The church congregation could hear the anguished cries of pain and desperate pleas for help.

The church pastor raised his voice to drown out the noise from the rail cars. When it was time for the choir to sing, the pastor instructed them to, “sing a little louder,” to cover the noise from outside. These experiences had a profound effect on this young boy.

This is a true story and represents exactly what is happening in today’s American culture.  We have politicians who speak loudly with no results. We have a government that is exploding in size and debt, yet Congress does nothing. We have career politicians who make their living off the backs of the American people. We have elections with no integrity.

People respond to what they repeatedly hear. Are we listening to politicians bloviating at hearings thinking they are making our lives better? Are we listening to mainstream media?  Social media? Are we being told to “sing a little louder?”

Too many citizens sit in the comfort of their homes, complaining about what’s happening to our country.  Well, people can complain all they want, but complaining is not the same as taking action.

Folks, it’s time to FIND YOUR VOICE. Get off the couch and hold your officials accountable locally, statewide and in Washington. Demand change and work with an organization that’s already making a difference. Fight to save our great country.

Right now, TODAY, sign the petition and become an active volunteer with Convention of States. We each have unique gifts that can benefit a powerful grassroots organization like Convention of States. Numbers matter – join the COS team NOW!

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