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FACTS Vs. FICTION and Fear Blog series - Slide 18

Published in Objections Blog Grassroots Library Volunteer Resources Spread the Word on August 07, 2024 by CLOSA PA Comms Team

Slide 18

Words have meaning. And their meaning doesn't change. Antonin Scalia

The COSA PA Communications Team included this glossary to help people unfamiliar with this issue understand the legal terms so often bandied about by both sides and educate themselves.

The opposition uses terminology to confuse, frighten, and keep you from the truth.

Rep. Woody Jenkins, LA., President of the 2023 Article V Simulation:

“What if Congress is the problem? What if [Congress] makes it impossible to make the changes we need because you need two-thirds in both houses? In Article V, the Framers put another procedure in place: if Congress is the problem, how can the people, acting through the state legislatures, correct the problems Congress is causing? That is what we are really talking about at this convention; that is why it is so important.”

The Framers of the Constitution charged We the Peoplewith the duty to remain informed, engaged, and self-governing. For far too long, we have neglected that duty.

This subject matter is crucial to the survival of this Republic, and it is our duty to invest the time necessary to comprehend the process. 

The citizens of this country have woken up to the fact that Washington, D.C., is the problem. COSA PA asks only that you keep an open mind and check the points we claim are facts yourself while reading this series of articles and reviewing the slide presentation. 

Prove to yourself who is telling the truth and who isn’t. Don’t take anyone’s word for it; your children’s and grandchildren’s futures depend on it.

You will find for yourself the lies the media, big tech, and Washington have been telling you for decades. And you will know what to do. 

Join the grassroots volunteer team making history by helping restore this country to our founding principles - equal justice, limited government, separation of power, and the people’s inalienable right to be free.

Forget all the extraneous noise spewing from the mainstream media; the most important question you need to answer: 

Who should be deciding what is best for you and your loved ones?

Link to Slide 17 Blog



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