Each year Americans provide more than $800 Billion to the Department of Defense (DOD) to protect our country, yet a sizable amount of this money is spent on frivolous projects.
One such project is the purchase of espresso machines from Starbucks by the DOD at the cost of $200,000 tax dollars.
Starbucks is not the only supplier of espresso machines, so the expense is a lot larger for this item. But the DOD spent $200,000+ on these machines from the popular coffee chain.
While $200,000 may seem like a relatively small amount, it signals the significant sum of money that is not spent better, if we had full transparency. What about Cyber Security or modernization, or mission-critical items?
This coffee project is a clear example of wasteful spending that has become all too common in our government.
Stay tuned to our Blogs to know more about how your government is frittering away your money.
Source: Senator Rand Paul, The Festivus Report 2022
Tags: #mifederalfritters