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Enough is Enough, Tamara Scott

Published in Blog on September 25, 2024 by Rita M. Peters, Karen Schuster, and Catherine Zamenek

Iowa’s Republican National Committeewoman Tamara Scott is an avid opponent of Article V of the U.S. Constitution. That’s her prerogative. But her slanderous personal attacks against America’s conservative heroes have to stop.

In one of her more recent diatribes, Scott accuses Convention of States leadership, including renowned constitutionalist, Michael Farris, of working with globalists to “shred” our Constitution and destroy American sovereignty. She states that he wants our Constitution to be “upended” and “replaced.” And she’s actually serious. She claims, “They don’t want to just change it, they want to replace it, rewrite it.”

For those who don’t know Michael Farris, here are a few of the high points of his resume (so far):

  • Led the effort throughout the 1990s to stop the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and worked with Senator Rick Santorum and Senator Mike Lee to prevent the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in order to retain US sovereignty over these matters.
  • Undisputed legal pioneer on behalf of the nation’s homeschool movement.
  • Founder of Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College.
  • Co-chairman of Drafting Committee for the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
  • Former President and CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Led Alliance Defending Freedom in the Dobbs case to overturn Roe v. Wade

Does Tamara Scott truly believe that this man, with this track record, is a “globalist” who wants to “shred” the U.S. Constitution? Tamara Scott’s attacks against conservatives who support Article V aren’t just outlandish and slanderous, they’re mean-spirited.

She claims that former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, told her he works for Convention of States Action solely for a paycheck. After making that claim on a recent program, she says, “Some of us care how we [earn our paychecks]. Thank heavens Planned Parenthood wasn’t asking him that day.”

Does Tamara Scott truly believe that Rick Santorum, whose pro-life credentials as a U.S. Senator and Representative are unparalleled, would work for abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood if they paid him enough? Does she know that he spends much of his time at home caring for his severely disabled daughter, Bella, whom he and his wife refused to abort despite her disabilities? Scott’s suggestion that a person with such pro-life credentials would be willing to work for Planned Parenthood is outrageous.

On another recent program, Tamara Scott hosted a John Birch Society spokesperson, Robert Brown. The goal of the program was to demonstrate that Mark Meckler, Co-Founder of Tea Party Patriots and Convention of States Action, is a “pathological liar.” As evidence, they cited the fact that in a radio interview, Meckler said, “Every leftist group in America is opposed to [Convention of States].” They quickly admitted that over 230 leftist organizations have publicly opposed it, but claim that Meckler is a liar because they can think of other leftist groups that did not sign it.

What makes Tamara’s ridiculous attacks on Meckler’s honesty so ironic is the fact that last month, her guest–promoted as a legal expert–was another leader of the John Birch Society, Robert Owens, who has been suspended from practicing law by the Ohio Supreme Court for fraud, and was indicted by a grand jury on six counts of felony theft. He’ll stand trial on these charges next month. This is who she promotes as a credible expert?

This simply doesn’t fit the high standard of honesty Tamara Scott claims for her program.

It is deeply disturbing to us, as conservative Christian women, that Scott claims her goal is to help her audience “live God’s Word in today’s world when the headlines hit home.” The voice that introduces her program says Tamara Scott is “proclaiming and defending the values of a Christian worldview that is the foundation of our constitutional Republic.” She claims that her show is God’s show, and that she seeks to be a good steward of it.

Truth and kindness are highly valued in God’s Word and in the Christian worldview. And those values are sorely lacking from the Tamara Scott Show. Her behavior toward good, Christian men, is anything but Christ-like.

Our work with Convention of States Action for many years–both as volunteers and as staff members–gives us a front-row seat to their character. They are giants of conservatism and personal role models to us. We are regularly amazed at their intellect, their authenticity, their humility, their kindness, and their faith.

Tamara Scott should apologize to these gentlemen and repent of her slanderous personal attacks.

Editor's note: This article was first published in The Iowa Torch

Rita M. Peters is a constitutional attorney, author, radio host and podcaster who serves as Senior Vice President for Legislative Affairs at Convention of States Action. Karen Schuster is the Iowa State Director and an Associate Regional Director for Convention of States Action. Catherine Zemanek is the Convention of States Action Regional Director for Iowa.

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