According to Open The Books Oversight Report, in September 2018, the Department of Defense and the Department of State signed contracts worth $308,994 of our hard-earned tax dollars to buy Liquor.
The liquor cost is embedded in the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of State (DOS) budget. Not every DOD or DOS dollar is spent on their missions. These departments buy liquor during the “spend it or lose it” period (the end of each fiscal year).
The contracts were made under the “use-it-or-lose-it” spending phenomenon, in which federal agencies tend to spend every dollar of what’s left in their budget in the final month of each fiscal year.
Apparently, it is true: Christmas comes in September, not December in Washington. Federal agencies exhaust their budget, with a daily spending of up to $10 billion, because of the fear that Congress may appropriate less money in the next fiscal year.
Instead of saving billions each year, the feds spend public money lavishly.
Stay tuned to our Blogs to know more about how your government is frittering away your money.
Source: Open the Books, March 2019, Use It or Lose It Spree
Tags: #mifederalfritters