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Does Charlottesville really represent the US?

Published in Blog on December 05, 2017 by Convention of States Project

As the nation reels in the wake of the Charlottesville terrorist attack, the mainstream media has begun to wonder, “Is the United States doomed?”

Multiple outlets published columns and articles covering statements made by the Charlottesville mayor, who said that the violence over the weekend, “demonstrated that the country's core democratic principles were eroding.”

But Mark Meckler published a helpful counterbalance to the prevailing narrative. He summarized a piece by Roger L. Simon, who pointed out that the KKK represents a vastly smaller percentage of the population than it did in the 1920s. He concludes, “What happened in Charlottesville isn’t us. It’s just a small group of real bad people.”

A much larger group of people has joined another movement, one that is dedicated to freedom and self-governance for all: the Convention of States Project.

The COS Project boasts over 2 million supporters and seeks to call the first-ever Article V Convention of States. At such a convention, delegates can propose constitutional amendments that limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and return decision-making authority where it belongs: with the people and the states.

Our nation isn’t defined by a tiny group of terrible people. It’s defined by liberty and the millions upon millions of Americans who fight for it every day.


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