The gun control agenda is intended to confiscate all “common use” firearms from the hands of Americans, as confessed by a House Democrat just this week during a House Judiciary Committee hearing.
Republican Representative Dan Bishop of North Carolina asked if Democrats dispute that the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021” proposes to ban guns currently in “common use.”
“That’s the point of the bill,” replied New York Democrat Representative and Chairman of the committee Jerry Nadler.
“So, to clarify, Mr. Chairman, you’re saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today,” Bishop questioned again.
“Yes,” Nadler responded. “The problem is that they’re in common use.”
A new poll by The Trafalgar Group in partnership with Convention of States Action finds that Americans believe armed citizens offer the best protection against mass shootings, yet those in the federal government continue to advocate for a ban of common use firearms.
Strikingly, 62.2% of voters say they are not confident their local law enforcement and government officials could identify and stop a violent person before they started a mass shooting. Additionally, 41.8% of voters believe that an armed citizen would be their best protection if they were caught in a mass shooting event.
With these figures, it’s unjustifiable to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of Americans, all while standing behind the armed doors of the U.S. Capitol.
As seen in the recent Indiana shooting, armed citizens are the best way of preventing and quickly stopping any psychotic shooter, which seems to be consistently young men.
The gun-grabbing agenda is in full-swing, but We the People like our independence and our ability to fight back against tyranny, which means we must defend the right to bear arms.
To keep the peace and the freedom, Article V of the Constitution offers a way to address federal overreach: a Convention of States.
This is our chance to tell the Washington elite that we will no longer put up with their power abuse, and instead, we’ll take back the power they have slowly but surely confiscated.
Dems confess gun control bill intended to ban “common use” firearms, We the People say NO
Published in Blog on July 20, 2022 by COS Staff Writer