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Critical Race Theory Exposed

Published in Blog on July 01, 2022 by Kassity Gibbins

Lately, we’re being told that the system is inherently racist towards people of color. With that in mind, I peg the question – Does the system really hate people of color, or does it just hate people in general?

Truthfully, it seems that time and time again, those that are supposed to represent the people, subsequently fail the people. Does this have something to do with the amount of melanin in our skin? Or does it have something to do with both sides of the aisle looking to gain power over those they govern, regardless of skin color?

One intellectual, philosophical, and social movement that we’ve been hearing an awful lot about recently, believes that racism is inherent in American law and legal institutions. They also believe that the law and legal institutions function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities. 

You may have already guessed it, but this movement is known as Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT has been infiltrating our school systems and even military academia, which is dangerous. 

History matters, and many people may know what CRT is, but may not know where it originated. 

This all started with the Frankfurt School, also known as Critical Theory. Frankfurt School was originally located at the Institute for Social Research, which was an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The institute was founded in 1923, after a handsome donation by Felix Weil, to develop Marxist studies in Germany. 

After 1933, the Nazis forced the closure of the institute. It then was moved to the United States, specifically, Columbia University in New York City. 

Throughout the 60s and 70s this Marxist theory began to grow stronger; with more and more generations of critical theorists significantly helping to develop Critical Theory throughout American Universities. 

In 1977 an offshoot of Marxist-oriented Critical Theory, Critical Legal Studies (CLS), was officially started. This theory states that the law is intertwined with social issues and has social biases. Proponents of CLS believe that the law supports the interest of those who not only create the law, but of those who are in power, and those who are privileged (the wealthy), all at the expense of those who are poor and marginalized. They see the law as an instrument, used by the wealthy, to oppress those below them, to keep their hierarchy. 

From CLS, formed a subgroup known as Critical Race Theory, which essentially just added race into the mix of its predecessor's ideologies. CRT was officially organized in 1989, at the first “Annual Workshop on CRT,” though its origins go back to the 20s. 

CRT is based on the premise that race is a socially constructed – or culturally invented – idea that’s used to oppress and exploit people of color. Everything is looked at through the lens of race.

Proponents of CRT believe that racism is everywhere – whether it can be seen or not, and also believe that caucasian people are born racist to the core; they’ve even gone as far to say that it's in their DNA. To them, racism can not be escaped. 

One group, the Pacific Educational Group, has a presentation that explains “What is Whiteness.” On one of the slides, there is a quote that states: 

"The virtual invisibility that whiteness affords those of us who have it, is like psychological money in the bank, the proceeds of which we cash in every day while others are in a state of perpetual over draft."

-Tim Wise, "Membership Has Its Privileges" 

This is an offshoot of Marxist Critical Theory, which explains why they are coming for Western Civilization and specific values we hold, such as seeing people as individuals. With CRT, there’s no such thing as individuals. You’re not an independent human, you’re a member of a group; either the oppressed or the oppressors. 

Even the tenants of CRT are Marxist theories, just with the word “race” inserted into them. There are five tenants:

1. Centrality of Race and Racism in Society: This is the idea that racism is a central component of American life and has corrupted everything in America.

2. Challenge to Dominant Ideology: This rejects the idea that we should judge each other by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. Instead, skin color should be at the forefront of our minds, always. This denounces “color blindness”.

3. Centrality of Experiential Knowledge: This explains that the experiences of people of color are more valid than actual statistics, facts, or evidence. It does not matter what the evidence shows, if people of color feel oppressed, they are oppressed. 

4. Interdisciplinary Perspective: This insists that America was founded on the principle of human rights for only white people. Our country was founded based on a lie, and it's not redeemable. 

5. Commitment to Social Justice: This is a synonym for one word – payback. Ensuring fairness going forward is not good enough for them. 

We all know how impressionable children are. If kids are taught that skin color matters, they will believe it. 

If we allow CRT in our schools, children of color will believe that caucasians hate them and are holding them back; while caucasian children will believe they truly have white “power” or “privilege” and were born racist. This ideology is racist towards everyone and will do nothing but divide our country by race until we are back to the Jim Crow era. 

Not to mention, telling children or people of color that they can’t succeed because everything around them is racist is not only disgusting and immoral, but it’s also a racist lie. We are one race, the human race. 

We all know black communities are being hurt, but by what? It certainly is not a “systemically racist” America. So what is it? 

Could it possibly be that we have subsidized single motherhood, taken fathers out of the home, or demonized police? The short answer: yes. Through generations and politics, we have created an awful cycle that has been proven to hurt communities, especially those that are predominately occupied by people of color. 

To also say that we, as a country, are not redeemable from our mistakes, and have made little to no progress since coming from Jim Crow and segregation is complete and utter nonsense. There has been significant progress in a sense of racial issues, from the Civil Rights Act to the 14th Amendment, which includes the equal protection clause and more.

The ideologies and tenants of CRT seem to go against everything one man, in particular, stood up and fought for; Martin Luther King Jr, who is likely rolling in his grave right now at the thought of this Marxist, racist agenda being pushed in America. 

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

-Martin Luther King Jr.

As a whole, this is a taxpayer-funded, woke movement that's hiding behind terms such as “equity” and “culturally responsive” to cover up the fact that they are teaching anti-American and anti-Western Civilization values. This is attempting to undo what our Founders and ancestors fought for and shed blood for, such as free will, individual liberty, and equality.   

It’s almost as if Convention of States endorser Charlie Kirk was right when he made the statement:

“I think that we are now taking the racism that once existed in the American south and now weaponizing it against people that look like the people that used to be the terrorists.”

-Charlie Kirk 

So, what can we do to stop this? Two words: Stand up. Pull your kids from school and homeschool them, run for your school board, go to school board meetings and expose them. Plus, join Convention of States Action to restore free will and individual liberty by taking power away from the overreaching federal government.  

At the end of the day, we know that those who are in power in America have been failing us all for years now. Since we are easier to control, manipulate and lie to when we are divided, that’s exactly what they are doing. Have you ever heard of the saying, “divide and conquer?”

Whether it be by gender, class, religion, race, or left vs. right, they will divide, divide, divide, until We the People are consistently fighting each other instead of them. They want us angry at each other, fighting each other, and distracted from the fact that our so-called “leaders” are failing us. 

This is not citizens vs. citizens, it never has been. It is We the People vs. Big Government. The sooner we all realize this, the sooner we can come together as one and truly fix what is wrong in our country. 


Kassity Goldsworthy has been with Convention of States for almost a year. She is a State Content Writer for COS Michigan and State Coalition Director for Turning Point USA. 

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