Convention of States Action PA Town Hall in Bellefonte
Tired of government overreach, reckless spending of your tax dollars, and stifling regulations from unelected officials and career politicians?
Join us in returning power to the people as the Framers of the Constitution intended. Article V in the Constitution allows states to call for a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution as an alternative to relying on Congress.
Come hear featured speaker Senator Cris Dush (SD25) share his enthusiasm for the Article V Convention of States and his experience as a commissioner to the COSF's Simulation recently held in Williamsburg, VA.
Senator Dush is a prime sponsor of Senate Resolution 77, calling for PA to join the list of nineteen states resolved to call an Article V Convention. On the state House side, Representatives from the eight House Districts that comprise SD 25 will also be invited to join us.
Volunteers for Convention of States Action will also be on hand to answer your questions and provide an opportunity for you to add your name to the growing list of PA residents who endorse this resolution.
Come join us for a lively discussion and learn the truth about the convention process.
Be a part of history in the making. Get informed and get involved in returning power to the people.
When: Saturday, September 16th at 10 am.
Where: Watermarke Church
1690 Zion Road, Bellefonte, PA
For more information contact:
Tim McDevitt