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to call for a

Convention of States!


COS Oklahoma Tucker Carlson Update.

Published in Blog on September 18, 2024 by Van Warren Walter


On Wednesday evening, September 12, 2024, Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino spoke to a crowd of 5,000+ at the BOK Center in Tulsa. 

Members of the Oklahoma team attended a COS table set up in a central hallway at the event. We were there to talk about COS and seek petition signers. At times, the crowd was overwhelming and we spanned out to connect with as many folks as possible. The table area  became very crowded. I do not know how many petition signers we had signed but many people scanned the event QR code and were entered online. 

Dan and Tucker discussed the evil present in today's political world. They talked about how inept and intellectually deficient the current regime is. The left wants to control how we think and how we should obey every command they utter to us. Their goal is to tear this nation apart and lose our sovereignty as a nation of free peoples. The topics were illegal immigration, 2nd Amendment, fair elections, our Bill of Rights, and our Constitutional Republic, and their look at the future. They told us things that made us realize we must have a Convention of States and return power to "We the People!" It is time for citizens to wake up and stand firm in regaining our rights and selecting candidates who embrace the Constitutional Republic and the American dream.

After the event, we returned to our table again.  The crowd was energized, excited, hopeful for our country.  People were trying to get that last chance opportunity to connect before we had to leave.  

I thank the dedicated volunteers who operated the COSaction table at the Tucker Carlson event. Your unwavering commitment and hard work did not go unnoticed. You were the face of the COS cause, engaging with potential supporters and promoting our mission. Your dedication is appreciated and inspires us all to continue our work for the Constitutional Republic and the American dream.

Thank you, John Guinn, Becky Wolfe, John Bivins, Marty Piel, Nancy McDaniel, and Van W. Walter.

In Liberty and Peace.





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