Hello Convention of States supporters and welcome to all! The question before us is: Who should decide?
We the people believe that we the people should decide, and we have a plan as big as the problems.
Please join us at our Convention of States monthly Meet & Greet at Mike's BBQ in Escondido held the first Monday of every month at 6:00PM.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 2, at 6:00pm. Mike's BBQ is located at 1356 W. Valley PKWY in Escondido, CA 92029. Please RSVP to Fred Yerrick, 858-722-3841, fyerrick@gmail.com.
Our meeting is from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. We will meet and greet our fellow patriots, hear an overview of Convention of States, receive a progress report, and end with a question and answer period.
Mike's donates the room, and we only ask that you purchase Mike's great BBQ and beverages. Let's Stand Up, SpeakUp, and Show Up!