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Convention of States: Modern-day Wall Builders

Published in Blog on September 14, 2024 by Steve Jones, Regional Captain, Region 6

In 2015 and 2016 Candidate Trump struck a chord with many Americans in his pledge to build a wall on the United States’ southern border in order to stem the flow of refugees coming across the southern boarder without permission.

This article is not about building that wall, but is about rebuilding the walls of federalism, a structure of shared authority between the federal, local, and state governments. Federalism is infused into our Constitution.

From afar, Nehemiah heard the stories about how the walls of Jerusalem were still in disrepair while roving gangs plundered the inhabitants of that ancient city. In his anguish, he sought God’s will and provision to help rebuild those gates and walls of the capital city of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1).

We, too, have discerned the slow destruction of the walls of separation of powers between the proper use of federal jurisdiction, and states and individual sovereignty. We lament and mourn, but we can restore those walls of separation through State proposed and passed amendments to our federal Constitution.  

Like the ancient inhabitants of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3), we must focus on rebuilding the city gates and that wall of separation in our own state house. COS teams have been successful in rebuilding their "gates" in 19 of the 34 needed to secure our sovereignty.

Like Nehemiah, we are facing opposition and naysayers (Nehemiah 4). Half of the inhabitants in Jerusalem worked on the walls while the other half stood guard with swords in hand. The persistent opposition we face is driving us to our knees. We seek the King of the Universe to defend us as we work to establish the proper walls of self-governance.

For the adversary of liberty is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8), but we must stand strong in the enabling of the Lord (Ephesians 6:10). Let us resolve today to continue to do that together; both in action and in prayer.


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