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Convention of States Missouri Weekly Update: 7/26/24

Published in Blog on July 25, 2024 by Joan McDermott

Highlights from our second simulation in 2023: Activist Turned Legislator Kansas Rep. Eric Smith: 'We ARE Going to Do This, I Know It' on Article V (Video 8:38)

If you get a chance to contact the candidates in your district, please be sure to tell them about the Convention of States.

Brett's Blog: Brett's Blog: Monday, July 22 A Moment in Time

Past articles can be found on the Brett's Blog Archive.

Patriot Academy classes: New classes are starting soon. More information is available HERE.

This week in American History: From Wm. J. Federer's American Minute and other sources:

July 26 - It's 1775 and Benjamin Franklin has been appointed as the first Postmaster General of the colonies by the British Crown. Franklin is also the one who coined the terms 'positive' and 'negative' in relation to electricity.

July 27 - On this day in 1953, an armistice was signed which ended the active hostilities on the Korean Peninsula. Almost 140,000 Americans made the ultimate sacrifice in this conflict over a three year period.

July 28 - In 1868, the 14th Amendment to our Constitution was adopted.

July 29 - On this day is 1805, Alexis de Tocqueville was born in France. Long before the term 'social scientist' became part of our vernacular, de Tocqueville was analyzing and writing about our new nation. Democracy in America is a deep read but worth the trip.

COS Missouri's supporters and the citizenship test: 

Missouri's Citizens - Did we pass the citizenship test? 

Some zip codes had multiple responders and, in order to preserve anonymity, the proctor sent an individual email to those respondents. Attached to our webpage is a PDF listing the zip codes and results as well as a PDF of the Civics Questions and Answers (2008 version)

Our webpage and the PDF links will be kept until November 30, 2024, and then removed permanently.

Thank you to all the supporters who took the time to participate.

Mark your calendars: Brett Sterley, the Convention of States Missouri State Director, hosts a statewide call via this ZOOM LINK. Brett will be available to answer questions about the Convention of States Action (COSA) and to provide updates about our efforts at the Capitol.

Please mark your calendar: Brett's next call will be on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 8 p.m. CST. Barring any conflicts, Brett will hold this call on the second Monday of each month.

Please enjoy and share these links:

First, the assassination attempt. Now, an Iranian plot. Published 7/16/24 by Jakob Fay

MECKLER: Miracles happen — Washington, Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt and now Trump Published 7/16/24 by Mark Meckler

Who is J.D. Vance? Published 7/18/24 by Jakob Fay

WATCH: Trump reflects on assassination attempt at RNC Published 7/19/24 by Jakob Fay

Is This Really What We Want? Published 7/15/24 by Jakob Fay

Ready to help shape the future? You do not have to join a political party to do so. WANTED: Self-Governing Citizens Video (0:53). Also, please check out Brett Sterley's in-depth descriptions of the various volunteer roles with the Convention of States HERE.

On behalf of the Convention of States Missouri Team, thank you for your support.

Joan McDermott
State Communications Coordinator
Convention of States Missouri

Bookmark/Favorites Suggestion: Missouri Information Page 

Both free speech rights and property rights belong legally to individuals, but their real function is social, to benefit vast numbers of people who do not themselves exercise these rights. - Thomas Sowell

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