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Convention of States!

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Connecticut Team Meets

Published in Uncategorized on June 09, 2021 by Lisa S Jolley

On Saturday, June 5, Connecticut’s team gathered for our monthly meeting in Naugatuck. We discussed upcoming events, such as the Founder’s Day ceremony, which will take place on Saturday, June 19 in Plymouth, MA.

Many of us were unaware that the largest granite statue in the Nation, reaching 81 feet and honoring the first English settlers and forefathers, is located in Plymouth. Several of us plan to carpool to attend this inspirational event and network with other New England patriots.

The team discussed efforts to have a Convention of States float at the Fourth of July parade in Madison. In addition, Connecticut holds many agricultural fairs each fall. Our events coordinator is creating a list of these fairs as we would like to reserve space for a Convention of States table wherever possible.

Two town hall meetings are planned for June, one virtual and one in person, to let petition signers know the status of our efforts and to encourage them to become active volunteers. We have a large number of unaffiliated voters, giving us an excellent opportunity to inform and influence these voters to take a stand for freedom.

Monthly meetings strengthen our resolve to reach out to our State representatives and the people of Connecticut, educating them about Article V of the U.S. Constitution. The team continues to grow in leaps and bounds as we see our liberties being trampled on by unaccountable politicians and bureaucrats.



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