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Congresswoman Debbie Lesko supports COS

Published in Blog on December 28, 2021 by Thomas Scott

The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) sponsored a “meet and greet” for Congresswoman Debbie Lesko. Approximately 150 Congressional District 8 constituents attended to hear the latest updates on her activities.

She began with a personal story about her serious health issues this past year. Some in attendance wondered if the stress of her position was partially responsible.

Her district encompasses most of the northwest portion of the valley. However, she said the redistricting efforts going on will change that. One of those changes may be that they will take the city of Surprise from her current district, which seems counterintuitive to insuring “like communities.”

Those in the audience were allowed to submit questions before the start. There were many questions concerning COVID. 

She let us know she is co-sponsoring the No Vaccine Mandate for Americans Act. She is firmly against vaccine mandates, building a medical history database, and vaccine passports. Her stand is that Americans should not be forced to comply.

Federal government overreach into state affairs, for example squashing state's efforts at border control, is wrong according to the Congresswoman. State sovereignty exists even if the federal government doesn’t want to recognize it. 

When asked about her position on the Convention of States (COS) Project, she stated that not only did she support it she was present at the “mock convention” held in 2017.

Standing in front of everyone she restated her position on runaway spending and federal government overreach. A Convention of States will propose amendments to address these issues.

Debbie let us know that she is doing all she can to reduce spending and lowering the debt burden. She told us what her statement on the House vote to raise the debt limit would be:

“The United States debt is currently sitting at $29 Trillion—that is $230,000 per taxpayer. Now, Democrats want to clear the way to add another $2.5 trillion to our already insurmountable burden. A burden hardworking American taxpayers will have to bear. It is irresponsible to raise the debt limit without any plan to rein in the reckless borrowing and spending and I could not in good conscious support this effort.”

Congresswoman Lesko stated that the answer for government overreach is for every person to become active. No longer can Americans think they do not need to be involved. 

She said they must be active in their communities because this is where the need for legislation is uncovered. This is where a community's needs are found and addressed by electing people who understand and have the same goals. 

 People I spoke with after the meeting were disheartened. They hoped and believed that our representative would have more impact on the things affecting Arizona. 

The Congresswoman enlightened us to the fact that the party in leadership has the power to squash proposed legislation not in line with its ideology. This means that things like the border issues Arizonans would like to see addressed, will not be if they aren’t in line with the agenda of those in power. 

Her attempts to block spending bills that are onerous have met the same fate. She reiterated that elections have consequences.

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