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Charlie Kirk ignites South Dakotans with patriotism during speech

Published in Blog on July 02, 2020 by Jackie Rausch

Convention of States South Dakota patriots had a strong show of support at a Young Republican event in Rapid City last week. Turning Point USA founder and COS supporter Charlie Kirk was the main speaker as locals prepared for Independence Day. His speech focused on the history of the United States, the truth of our country’s founding, and the concept of citizen involvement in all levels of politics.

“In 1774 you had the conflict between the colonies really start to come to a head," said Charlie Kirk. "In 1776 we wrote our birth certificate. This is what we celebrate this coming weekend, by the way. This is a time in history where everything changed."

Charlie Kirk speaks in Rapid City, SD.

Kirk continued, “This is when we put an absolute turn in the ground, a pivot away from all of human history. And you read the birth certificate of the United States, it says so clearly that ‘when in the course of human events it comes time to dissolve ties,’ whoa this is a rebellion folks. We don’t believe in what you’re doing anymore. And it was just we don’t believe in your taxes, because that’s the cheap way of describing it. It was the authoritarian boot on the neck of the freedom loving Americans.”

Several attendees commented that is was so great to be under one roof with other passionate patriots and were eager to learn more about Convention of States. Several of those in attendance sign COS petitions and spoke with volunteers about the grassroots movement.

“You could feel the electric atmosphere among the crowd throughout the speech,” said Ray Greff of Rapid City. “Charlie Kirk told us, the Congress in D.C. is a ruling class that despises the voters. Both parties, with the exception of Sen. Tom Cotton. Things are serious for our country, and we need more events like this for people to get out and become active.”

During the speech, Kirk touched on many core values that align with the COS pillars. He even gave a shout out to the COS volunteer attendees holding signs during the question and answer portion of the event.

“Who is the authority in our country? We are!” stated Kirk during his speech. “We have a duty to get involved with every single civic engagement… More than any other time, we need people to rise up.”

We want to thank the South Dakota Young Republicans and the Pennington County Republican Party for putting on this event.

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