Captain America (aka Chris Evans) tightens his shield. All hope seems lost. The polling has turned against him and his team.
But that’s when a portal opens to his left, out of which emerges… no, could it possibly be… is that really… Beyoncé??!?
Indeed, Queen Bey has arrived, and she has brought with her a legion of celebrity Kamala Harris endorsers: the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), War Machine (Don Cheadle), Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Buddy the Elf (Will Ferrell), the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Jennifer Lopez, Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Lizzo, and Usher. (The Washington Post is conspicuously absent).
And then, rising about them all, belting “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” materializes the Childless Cat Lady herself: Taylor Swift.
With that, the stage is set for the greatest celebrity clash in U.S. presidential history. The time has come. Captain America turns to deliver his iconic line: “Avengers… assemble (for Kamala Harris)!!!!”
They charge to face their (severely outnumbered) opponents, who arrive in rockets sent by Elon Musk. Jake Paul and Hulk Hogan lead the way, followed by Hercules (Kevin Sorbo), Shazam (Zachary Levi), Dana White, Jason Aldean, Harrison Butker, Brett Favre, Joe Exotic (aka the Tiger King), and Dave Ramsey.
Captain America and the Hulk clash with Jake Paul and Hulk Hogan while Buddy the Elf throws snowballs at the MAGA army. Jason Aldean and Bruce Springsteen engage in a heated guitar battle as Harrison Butker kicks footballs at (and makes primeval comments about) Harris’s Avengers. Although imprisoned, Joe Exotic sends an army of tigers to the battlefield; T Swizzle quickly subdues them, leveling up her Cat Lady status. Dave Ramsey drops out of the fight when Mark Cuban arrives, and the two begin a refreshingly civil conversation about credit cards.
Four days before the election, that is, more or less, what American presidential politics look like. I exaggerate only slightly. Every name listed above has endorsed either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump.
Every morning, it seems I wake up to new headlines about the latest celebrity endorsements for either candidate: this morning, it was the “Avengers” for Harris and Jake Paul for Trump.
“I’m Kamala Harris, and I am down with democracy,” the Marvel cast proposed as a slogan for their preferred next president.
The famed YouTuber and professional boxer offered a very different message: “Trump is labeled a ‘felon,’ Paul said on X, “but remember, the founders of this country were seen as felons by Britain because they demanded change. History shows that sometimes those who challenge the system are the ones who make a difference.”
It’s all incredibly sad to me. Of course, celebrities are entitled to their own opinions about politics and are free to share those opinions. But the amount of stock we put into what entertainers think is heartbreaking and disturbing.
Watch the video below for a glimpse of what I’m talking about:
It’s not just Taylor Swift (although she is probably the most influential celebrity alive today). Both sides covet the perceived weight of star power — even if those very same personalities are completely out of touch with real-world issues. As one viewer responded to the above video, “I could care less who any billionaire or millionaire endorses because they are not having to worry about rent, groceries, gas prices [and] any of the worries most Americans have.”
That’s exactly right. Those are the kinds of issues at stake on November 5, 2024. Accordingly, politics shouldn’t be reduced to tabloid drama. It’s a serious endeavor with significant consequences for millions of Americans. Our political decisions should be grounded in our values, beliefs, and thorough policy research rather than influenced by the opinions of athletes, musicians, or actors.
At the end of the day, I won’t vote based on the advice of Queen Bey, T Swizzle, or Hulk Hogan. As a self-governing citizen, I will make my own decision based on my morals, convictions, and what I believe to be best for the country.
I would recommend that you do the same.
Captain America vs. Jake Paul: Why celebrity endorsements have gotten out of hand
Published in Blog on November 01, 2024 by Jakob Fay