This dire warning came from CA State Senator Scott Wilk on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on AB 957.
To voice your position on this bill, it isn’t too late to do so by contacting the State Senator who represents your Senate District. Not sure who your State Senator is or how to contact them? Follow these steps:
AB 957 is an Act to amend Section 3011 of the Family Code, relating to family law. More specifically relating to the custody of your child during divorce proceedings and the affirmation, or lack thereof, over your child's gender identity. If it passes, a parent can be charged with child abuse for not affirming their child's gender identity. (This bill has already passed in the Assembly where it originated. Having now passed the Senate Judiciary Committee it heads to the Senate Floor for a full Senate vote. The date of the final vote is unclear. ) The government, neither state nor federal has the ability to deny, or disparage you of your right to your values and beliefs. Nor do they have the right to remove your rights as a parent and charge you with child abuse simply because you refuse to indulge & entertain the fantasy that your child insists they are a different gender than the one on their birth certificate. Who decides what and how our children are taught, the values, beliefs, and moral vicissitudes by which they mature and shape their character? As parents, We Do! We mold and shape the minds of our children by living our faith, by upholding our values and beliefs. |
We demonstrate the merit of our ideology by living it every day in the decisions and choices we make. We decide this, not the government.
However, most children live in homes where both parents work and their children are subjected to the ideology of the public school system, a system that teaches the sexualization of children, encourages gender confusion and promotes the idea that you are a bad person and can not be included if you don’t agree with made-up identities.
With parents' influence on their children hovering around the lowest we have ever seen, the state education system has increasingly inserted itself as the one who decides the character of the children through indoctrination.
Don’t be fooled!
This bill will force people to fear their thoughts, values, and faith. This bill will force people to bend a knee and kiss the gender-affirming hand of a child’s fantasy with the consequence of not so doing is a charge of child abuse from the state.
This is an assault on good conscience with the intent to divide the family against itself. This type of subversion would be unthinkable in the eyes of our Founders. This is coerced relinquishment of individualism. This is how “re-education” happens. Not by throwing you into a camp, but by control through fear. The fear that your children might turn you in to the authorities for not playing along.
Sounds like 1930s Germany doesn’t it? Remember, Germany was a Democratic Republic before Nazi Germany. The slide to authoritarianism is quick if people of good conscience fail to act.
Article V of the United States Constitution gives the state legislatures the power and authority to stop tyranny. Our founders understood that the people needed a way to realign the government if it ever got off track and became tyrannical or oppressive. They believed that the rights of the people are not given by the government.
They assert that your rights are given to you at birth by a higher authority. As they wrote in the Declaration of Independence. And they believe that the people are the masters of the government as they declared with the first three words in the Constitution, “We the People”.
The 9th Amendment reads as follows:
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
By using Article V we can propose amendments to the constitution that get the federal government out of the education system. Returning your voice as the powerful influence of what curriculum is taught in your local schools. We can propose an amendment that restricts the government from infringing on your rights as a parent, those are protected in the 9th Amendment. Like the rights of parents to not be charged with child abuse for not affirming their child's gender identity. We must stand against tyranny and uphold our God-given rights against all levels of government.
Paid for by Convention of States Action.