Fresno, CA, October 9-10th, 2021 – It must have been divine inspiration that moved Glenn Clayton, CA DC 34, 26 to consider conservation in his planning for a COS Outreach Event at The Big Fresno Fair.
Clayton sought to model good stewardship while offering his volunteer teams a rich opportunity to share their wealth of knowledge on the Founders’ plan to restore the American Republic through an Article V Convention of States. Known for putting his trust in the abundant provision of the Almighty, Clayton let the Spirit lead.
Rent for table space inside the gates of the fair would cost $100, but Clayton learned there was an option: exhibit space outside the fair’s entry gate, available on a first-come, first-serve basis. “It was called the Free Speech Zone. It didn’t cost us a penny,” Clayton said.
Arriving early last Saturday morning, Clayton and six volunteers from three CA Assembly Districts worked with fair staff to set up their shade cover and COS display table directly across from where two long lines of fairgoers would wait to buy their tickets, go through security, and enter the fair. The red, white, and blue-bannered display with a variety of COS printable media helped the team reach more than 650 people in two days.
Many people approached the table to get a closer look. A frequent theme mentioned by fairgoers in conversation was Term Limits. Fifty-two hard copy petitions were signed.
It was important to Clayton that the volunteers graciously approach the people waiting in line. “Everyone was excited to be at the fair. We would say hello and sometimes with a sense of humor, get them laughing. Then we would ask them if they were concerned about our nation,” he recalled. These helpful volunteers also handed out pocket-size U.S. Constitutions.
COS volunteers participating in the effort were: Rick Mangini, CA District 26 Volunteer and wife Susan; Aaron Mena, CA District 34 Volunteer; Glenn Clayton DC 26, 34, and wife Viki; and Alison Moon, CA RC 5, 6 and DC 23 with and her husband, Rusty.
“Everyone had to walk past us to get into the gate,” Alison Moon said. “Our volunteers handed out our COS business cards with the Article V bullet points and QR code for signing the online petition and volunteering,” she explained.
“I am amazed at how many young folks were interested in getting more information. They are no doubt seeing what is happening and becoming concerned. We need to continue informing and educating those in California and around our nation,” Rick Mangini said.
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