Beginning September 11, 2001, I began to feel a murderous desire for vengeance against those responsible for the terror attacks on US soil. In my fallen humanness, I wished that I could lash out at ALL Muslims – everywhere.
When US troops completed their takeover of Iraq during the second Gulf War, I became frustrated that Iraqis just couldn’t seem to understand that representative government was a better form of government than ruling by terror and tyranny. How ironic that I could be frustrated with them while the US was ruling Iraq with American troops on every street corner.
Around that same time, I had met an Iraqi American naturalized citizen who happened to be Muslim. I shared with him how in America, we were puzzled that terrorists would find it morally acceptable to terrorize and target American civilians who were non-combatants.
I questioned, “Most Americans are only vaguely aware of the decisions and policies of those in our government. So why target average Joe’s because of what our government has done?"
His reply stunned me. “America has a government of, by, and for the people. Every citizen is therefore responsible for what his or her elected officials do.”
He understood the principles of republicanism better than I did apparently.
Should we be more involved in demanding accountability and policing the policies foisted upon us by unelected bureaucrats and elected officials?
The individual states do not start wars and neither do the individuals within the states. Maybe, just maybe it would help bring a greater measure of peace and stability to the world stage if less power and jurisdiction were apportioned to the officials in Washington DC who are harder to hold accountable.
Clearly it is time to conduct a Convention of States which can return more of the power and jurisdiction back to the states and to the people.
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