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America's Electric Grid Vulnerable to Terrorist Attacks

Published in Blog on August 04, 2024 by LeRoy E Cossette

There is a never-ending litany of reasons why our nation needs to convene an Article V convention to propose amendments to our Constitution. One of those most critical reasons is the vulnerability of our electric grid system, which, if taken down, would result in chaos, misery and death for many Americans.

Our Congress has repeatedly appropriated billions of dollars for upgrading our nation’s infrastructure, yet nothing is being done to secure our essential electric grid system from terrorist attacks. 

FBI Director Wray testified on April 18th that China has successfully gained access to energy, telecommunications, and water companies in the US and has targeted 23 pipeline operators. (1)

Politico, CNN, FORBES, CBS, NBC, NY TIMES, REUTERS, and other news media outlets have reported shocking stories revealing over 70 attacks on America's power grid in a year. Security experts have raised the alarm for years about the most vulnerable aspect of infrastructure in the United States that puts you and your family in critical danger.

Our crumbling electric grid.

Officials report that attacks on just 9 of the nation's 55,000 electrical substations could result in nationwide blackouts for up to 18 months. (2)(3)  Our lives would be frozen right at the moment the power fails. Can you imagine no lights, internet, water or air conditioning/heat for long periods of time?  Our enemies would just sit back and watch as we self-destruct through looting, rioting and other lawlessness in order to survive.

And our government - woefully unprepared.

Are you and your family prepared to survive for as long as 18 months without electricity, food, or clean water?

It seems like the government has been fixated on taking more and more away from people who worked hard to earn it while doing virtually nothing to secure our nation's critical infrastructure.

It is far past time that North Carolina residents support the Convention of States Action movement and demand that our state legislators support the passage of a resolution calling for a convention of the states.

The resolution HJR235 has been passed by the North Carolina House of Representatives but is stuck in the Senate. We ask all residents of North Carolina to contact their senators and share with them the critical nature of the nation’s situation and the desperate need to change course through an Article V convention of the states.

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Convention of states action

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