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America’s Amazing History of Miracles: Tribute to Our Historian & Contemporary Patriot Wm. Federer, Final Blog in Series

Published in Blog on July 21, 2024 by Myrl Nisely

This series of articles has pointed out undeniable evidence of God’s guidance and concern for our nation through miraculous circumstances. We can thank Susie and William Federer for providing a focus on those miracles. Bill’s videos used in the series have provided excellent detail and deepened our understanding of events. It seems appropriate to provide a closer look at his work and his influence.

Bill Federer is a marvelously effective communicator. He is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage, Amerisearch, Inc. He might be best known for his production American Minute, which offers a daily lesson explaining an event from American history. 

Bill Federer's father was an historian who led a couple of historical societies, so Bill gained a love of history as a lad. Once he became a Christian in 1981, he saw history from a providential point of view, that is, that God has a plan and is active in all of history. His is a voice to be heeded at this time in America to combat the destruction of our culture.

He was a church pastor for a few years, but later became a valuable spokesman for the church by reporting history. Without being “churchy” he points his listeners toward faith in God, the value of prayer and acceptance of Jesus by citing relevant past events. In other words, rather than preaching to confront someone who doubts or argues, he uses a snippet of history to say what he avoids saying directly. He is good at reciting an event from the past to prove a point or give a message.

Bill has professionally produced videos on a wide range of topics easily found on YouTube. Likewise, he has authored many books including his first book, "America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations" which has sold over a half-million copies. 

Like most conservative Americans, Bill regrets the direction our country is going right now and is working to help bring Christian truth and morality back into our culture. I had the opportunity to interview Bill Federer where he shared with me some interesting stories.

Bill has run for office three times, including once for Congress against Dick Gephardt in 2000. He has a painful story about how fraudulent that election was. When asked if he would run again, he firmly replied, “No!” explaining that on election night he was ahead in the vote count when the electricity went out. When it was restored and the computers rebooted, he was behind.

Friends in polling places began calling to report that his name was accidentally left off ballots in five locations in the city of St. Louis, and that boxes of ballots had been lost. One such box was from an elementary school polling site where he had personally stood for 8 hours that day.

It was clear that voter fraud had been planned, and excuses had been prepared to justify events. The explanation was that somebody was doing construction in the building and that’s what cut the power. Oh sure, like who’s going to do electrical work on election night!?

In 2020, poll worker friends of Bill who had not been in touch with him for years called him to reflect on events in Georgia. A water main had broken on election night, and everybody had to get out of the building. It was found that somebody had set a toilet to overflow, and that was the excuse to evacuate the building.

The problem was fixed in 20 minutes. There were videos showing that suitcases had been pulled out from under tables, and that workers were running ballots through multiple times. His friends were calling to comment, “ sounded like what they did to you back against Gephardt; they just perfected their tactics.” Bill lamented, “When you spend years campaigning and going to every meeting . . .” He did not finish that sentence.

Later Bill spent two years with Phyllis Schlafly collecting voter fraud stories from across America for a report that she was putting together. There were literally dozens and dozens of different ways to do voter fraud. (He went on to discuss that today there are even many more sophisticated methods via technology.)

Despite the ill-fated accounts, Bill offers this advice on how we patriots can maintain an optimism while working to one day turn our country around. “It’s only through faith. It’s looking at the stories in the Bible and seeing that when God’s people are in hopeless situations, God raises little nobodies who are small in their own eyes but big in faith and courage. Moses against Pharaoh, Gideon against a 100,000 Midianites, David against Goliath, Esther says, "If I die, I die, but I’m going to go in and see the king."

"So, it’s each one of us realizing that we need to take a bold stand of faith and say, 'God, use us.' We do our part, and He does His.”

To glean more from Bill Federer's historical knowledge and spiritual insight, consider looking into his vast collection of works:

AMERICAN MINUTE-Events of American Significance Remembered on the Date They Occurred
BACKFIRED-A nation born for religious tolerance no longer tolerates religion
BELIEVE -A Devotional of Inspiring Scriptures and Quotations
CHANGE TO CHAINS-The 6000-year quest for control- Volume 1: Rise of the Republic
ENDANGERED SPEECHES-How the ACLU, IRS & LBJ Threaten Extinction of Free Speech
GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER-His Life & Faith In His Own Words 
ISLAMIC CONQUEST-PAST & PRESENT-A captivating 5-part DVD series on Political Islam's 1400-year War with the West
PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS-Inspiring Faith from Leaders of the Past
SAINT PATRICK-The Real Story of His Amazing Life from Tragedy to Triumph
THE FAITH OF FDR –From Franklin D. Roosevelt's Public Papers 1933-1945
THE ORIGINAL 13-A Documentary History of Religion in America's First Thirteen States
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS & their Influence on American Law
THE TREACHEROUS WORLD of the 16th Century & How the Pilgrims Escaped it
THERE REALLY IS A SANTA CLAUS-History of Saint Nicholas & Christmas Holiday Traditions
THREE SECULAR REASONS Why America Should be Under God
WHO IS THE KING IN AMERICA? & Who are the Counselors to the King? - An Overview of 6,000 years of History & Why America is Unique

His more recent work is both a book and a video, “Silence is Consent.” Quite challenging.

Blessings to everyone in COS who is faithfully striving to do as Bill Federer recommends. For more information about Convention of States and our effort to promote self-governance and shrink the Federal government, please visit



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