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Alabama joins Florida, Georgia, and Alaska and passes the Convention of States resolution

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

The Alabama state motto is “We dare defend our rights,” and that sentiment was on display May 21st in the Alabama State Capitol.

Earlier this afternoon, Alabama become the first state in 2015 to pass the Convention of States application to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

The Senate passed HJR 112 on May 21st, which had been first passed by the House a few weeks ago. Then, because of minor amendments to the resolution, it was sent back to the House where it passed by a vote of 92-7.

A huge congratulations is in order for every Convention of States volunteer in Alabama. Their hard work and dedication is what made this victory possible, and we couldn't be prouder of our team in the Yellowhammer State.

Terry Richmond, the Legislative Liaison for the Alabama team, had this to say about the victory: 

“I’m overwhelmed by the support we received from both volunteers and legislators over the past few months. The dedication, vision, and prayers of every volunteer in the state, along with the hard work and commitment of our sponsors and their staff, is what made this victory possible. The people of Alabama should hold their heads high – they've implemented the Founders tool to fight federal overreach, and we’re one step closer to turning a Convention of States into a reality.”

We’d also like to thank every Alabama legislator who sponsored, co-sponsored, or voted in favor of our resolution. They passed HJR 112 by overwhelming majorities, sending a clear message to D.C. that the American people are tired of overreach and reckless spending.

Legislation is pending in many other states, with Texas and Kansas next in line. The citizens are speaking; it's time for the states to put the federal government back in the box.


Mark Meckler

Co-Founder, Convention of States Project

President, Citizens for Self-Governance

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