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Air Force Vet Shows Up, Listens Up, and Speaks Up

Published in Blog on March 07, 2022 by Dakota Windancer

Air Force Veteran Kelly Sue Sawden, now married to the love of her life and known as Kelly Sue Robbins is taking the words of COS volunteers - act, learn, and adjust in a literal interpretation of showing up, listening up, and speaking up.

Kelly was in the Air Force from 1990-1994 serving as a medic. Kelly found the COS in the Spring of 2021. After experiencing strong feelings of misrepresentation by mainstream media, Kelly began the journey of refreshing her knowledge of the Constitution by taking a free online course called Constitution 101 from

Researching numerous health topics, appearing on podcasts, and participating as a social media warrior for the Convention of States is what occupies the little spare time she has as a business owner and mother of 3. Kelly's children include one high school freshman, one young adult, and one severely disabled young adult.

Kelly lends a hand as an assistant to her regional captain here in Florida. Because of her strong desire to be effective in her role as social media warrior, Kelly turned down the opportunity to become a Veterans Coalition Director. (Seems to me like she may be embracing that role in an honorary fashion).

After listening to her podcast at you will soon see that Kelly's passion for Florida and American sovereignty is well amplified!

The oath of a veteran is a living and active part of each veteran's life after their end of active service or enlistment period. Many Vet's feelings are reflected through Kelly's words during this podcast interview, by a retired Gunnery Sergeant of the Marine Corps.

It needs to be mentioned that, previously, Kelly spoke up at her local school board during the time of heated debate of the "opt out" clause for the masking of young children. Showing Up, Listening Up, and  Speaking Up, is Kelly's strong suit and we need more like her.

Acting, learning, and adjusting, gives each one of us the process to be components in the wheels of how our government processes.

It is in the pursuit of happiness that an "unfolding" occurs at a time when we least expect it. Life is funny that way, but its course changes us and others forever in an effective way.

Thanks, Kelly, for your work!

If you'd like to be a part of a group of like-minded, self-governed, engaged citizens like Kelly, use the form below to join our ranks. We're happy to help you find your perfect fit in standing up for your freedoms and the freedoms of others.


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