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A Veteran's Message to Us

Published in Blog on November 10, 2022 by Gayle McCowin

The Great War! No, this isn’t a foreshadowing of what is to come, but a celebration dating back to November 1919 and President Wilson’s proclamation to veterans who served this country with heroism and honor in World War I.

On June 1, 1954, Congress declared November 11th a day to honor veterans who served in all wars and every November 11th since that day, has become a celebration to honor those who served their love of country, patriotism and for their dedication to something greater than themselves.

Veterans understand the meaning of sacrifice for the greater good. They embrace the founding principles of this country and the Constitution. It is this document that is so deeply embedded in the oath to which they serve.

While at times there may be conflict and discord in this great plot of land we call the greatest country on earth, these veterans embody the values embedded in the foundation bestowed upon us by our founding fathers.

Veterans understand free speech and the right to an opinion, Veterans respect the right to practice religion freely, even if we don’t pray to the same God. Veterans understand the importance of the freedom for many of them have defended tyranny abroad or seen less fortunate countries and impoverished people.

So when you see a Veteran this week, thank them. Thank them for answering the call that so few are willing to choose.  

Great Patriots think alike and we all need to do our part. Check out and sign the petition. Then share it with a fellow veteran.

Click here to get involved!
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