Remember the Patriot Act?
The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was passed on October 26, 2001 in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. Introduced only three days before, the bill passed with little discussion— the usual process of public hearings, markups, and floor debate was “bypassed almost entirely.” Many U.S. Representatives and Senators admitted after its passage that they had not even read the bill before voting on it.
According to scholar Geneive Abdo, the Patriot Act “In theory applies to all citizens, but it was written with Muslims in mind and in practice denies them their civil liberties by empowering law enforcement authorities to raid their homes, offices, and mosques in the name of the war on terrorists. (A US Senator at the time who would not sign the bill explained why), “..because of the cost it was asking the American people to pay in the form of their civil rights, particularly their privacy rights…” (from “Fact sheet: the Patriot Act”-by Bridge Initiative Team, Published on 19 Nov 2021)
Couple this with the recent labeling of parents protesting CRT training and other leftist indoctrinations of their children in public schools by the DOJ as “domestic terrorists”:
“Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., authored the letter Tuesday with 10 GOP senators to the U.S. Department of Education Inspector General Sandra Bruce and U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, urging them "to investigate the coordinated actions between the Biden Administration, NSBA, and NEA."
President Biden's Department of Justice relied on the NSBA letter, which suggested using the Patriot Act against parents, in creating its own memo directing the FBI to mobilize in support of local education officials…” (Fox News report on DEPT OF EDUCATION Published January 26, 2022 by Marisa Shultz)
Not only are parents who have participated in such protests labeled as “domestic terrorists,” but last year Homeland Security put the same label on those who spread “misinformation” (that does not agree with the “party narrative”) on 2020 election fraud, COVID-19 and anyone who was in or near the US Capital building on January 6th, 2021 protesting those elections.
According to US Attorney General Merrick Garland, the primary focus of the DOJ since then has been to round up over 700 individuals who were there when the Capital police removed the barriers and opened the doors to the public that day.
The Patriot Act has been used over and over to arrest these “terrorists” in predawn SWAT team raids breaking down doors and pulling American citizens out of their beds and, according to testimony by US Representatives Green and Gohmert who recently toured the DC jail holding many of these individuals (without due process), “They have been beaten by the guards. They are called white supremacist. They are denied religious services, haircuts, shaving, the ability to trim their fingernails…”
Now keep in mind all this illegal power was enabled under the guise of “patriotism." As Rahm Emmanuel, the Obama White House Chief of Staff once stated “We (Democrats) will never let a crisis go to waste.” We are now facing another crisis they are ready to use:
In the wake of the increase in gun violence against police (after the Democrats push to vilify and defund the police over the last two years) in our cities, “New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul are launching a new Interstate Task Force on Illegal Guns to root out dangerous criminals who possess firearms outlawed in the Empire State. Soon, there will be hundreds of specially trained officers spread across the city with facial recognition tech and unspecified “new tools that can spot those carrying weapons” at the ready. Could a similar task force soon come to a city near you?”
(“NYC’s Illegal Gun Task Force: First The City, Then The Nation? By James Fite, February 2,2022).
Biden and Harris were there in New York to cheer them on while Senator Chuck Schumer in the Senate vowed to release millions of tax payer dollars to help them and make this “task force” a “federal” responsibility.
The irony of it all is that this is the same party that posted bail for all those arrested during the “peaceful protest” riots that looted, burned and assaulted police in our cities for over a year so they could be back on the streets doing the same thing the next day.
This is the same party that is encouraging “soft on crime” prosecution, defund the police, calling thefts under $1000 “misdemeanors” and allowing millions of illegal aliens, many with previous records of violent crimes to stay in our country without prosecution and or to cross our souther borders and be transported under cover of darkness throughout our country to these cities!
Then, they have the audacity to think we believe the increase in crime and gun violence in our cities over the last two years is because of guns? Now, they will use this same politically manufactured “crisis” to pass a “National Task Force to root out dangerous criminals who possess firearms” in order to solve the problem as a cover for their ultimate goal all along, which has been to remove our “right to bear arms."
Be careful what you wish for America! History shows us consistently that, before any complete take over of a nation by Marxist tyrants, there is always a push by those same tyrants to remove the ability of the populace to fight back.
Before you write this post off as the misguided rantings of an “extremist,” please watch the personal testimonies of the cast of the recent documentary “Capital Punishment” on what actually happened on January 6th and the repercussions that followed against those who were there. Here is the link.
It is time to call for an Article V Convention of States to put the federal government back in its place and protect the rights of the American citizens of these United States before it is too late!