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A New Look at Abortion

Published in Blog on March 13, 2023 by Diana Mary Sitek

Abortion is no longer a Human Rights issue. Human Rights are founded on Natural Law, which is a theological concept and rejected by Modernism. An appeal to Human Rights has been replaced by Affirmative Action, which does not allow that all individual human life is of equal value. Rather it is concerned with measuring the equality of groups, not individuals. 
When a group identifies itself as being victimized, it demands corrective Affirmative Action against the accused exploiter group. In this case, the exploiter group is comprised of people who equate abortion with the crime of murder, a conclusion that Radical Feminism has campaigned successfully against since the 1960s. The Feminists convinced a large proportion of the population that a fetus has no intrinsic significance compared with its convenience, or inconvenience for the pregnant mother. Until it is born, it is not yet a human being. Additionally, the Feminists campaigned against the patriarchal family, which was rooted in the expectation that a women’s defining role was motherhood and the raising of children. 
The arguments on both sides have appealed to developmental genetic science, to developmental psychology, to the sociology of criminals being unwanted children, to the mother’s mental, as well as physical health, to the case of the abnormal fetus, and to the economic burden of raising children. They may agree on the facts, but not on their interpretation. 
Reduced to its barest, both concede that the fetus is a developmental biological program for the creation of a human being. They diverge on where the line can be drawn to differentiate sentience from non-sentience in the unborn child. And herein lies a further problem. For the pro-abortionists, sentience is a product of the developed brain. Where the physical brain is not developed, or even where it has deteriorated, as in Parkinson’s disease or senile old age, and that deterioration places a burden on the care giver – whether a hospital, a nursing home, or a mother’s womb, it no longer qualifies as having an unconditional right to life. For this reason, parallel with the pro-abortion lobby, we see that the euthanasia lobby is gathering momentum. A dysfunctional life has no utilitarian value. An unwanted pregnancy is an obstacle to the mother’s functionality. She may as well be crippled. The extreme extension of this argument condones partial birth abortion, the murder of viable children, which takes place daily across the USA, merely on the justification that they are inexpedient.
This is the society we have constructed. Is it not growing in perversity? Albert Einstein is reputed to have said, ‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’ Those who support abortion have chosen the former. 

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